Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess

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Book: Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess by Jen Calonita Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Calonita
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keep reminding me that I'm no longer playing Sam? For years all anyone would say was how lucky I was to play such a goodie-goodie who is adored by the public and the press. Now everyone wants to throw her under the bus.
    The film division is first. There's a bizarre action flick shooting in Mexico that is based on a true story. I would play a missionary's daughter who single-handedly saves a whole village from extinction. It sounds intense. There's also a teen comedy from a well-known director whose films all make a truckload of cash. I'd play a high school party girl who takes over the principal's office and runs the school. Um, if I'm leaving Sam behind, I want something more mature. That's why the third film sounds so appealing. It's a chick-flick drama based on one of my favorite books, Manolos Are Meant for Small Feet . It's set in London and I would play a college freshman who unearths all this dirt about the television industry. None of the movies start shooting till the summer.
    Next the television division pitches several pilots. Seth points out what I already know and dread -- if I want to do another TV show, I have to pick a pilot right away. The first pilot is I Would Hate You If I Didn't Love You . Seth says they definitely want me to take a meeting. I feel uneasy, knowing this is Sky's number-one choice. The next one is about a group of college kids in Alaska and it's directed by a little-known filmmaker whose last movie I adored. It sounds quirky and irreverent and a total change of pace. The third pilot is an ensemble drama with a killer cast (Pam Sommers is the Meryl Streep of TV and she'd play my mom!) and a well-respected director who is known for giving his actors great scenery-chewing moments. The problem is I'd be playing the youngest daughter, who is giving the family trouble. I'm not sure how I feel about playing the daughter role again in a family drama. How could any family compare to the one on FA ? I know I have to stop thinking like this, but I don't know if I'm ready to commit to another show -- that could take up the next ten years of my life if it does well -- just yet.
    Seth's next pitch blows my mind. He wants me to star on Broadway. "Doing a play is very chic," he says. "Lots of stars are doing three-month turns and getting rave reviews. This kind of experience could catapult you to the adult roles I know you want."
    Wow. Star on Broadway? "But I've got no stage experience," I remind him.
    "You'd be a natural," Seth tells me. "The play we're thinking of just finished a sold-out run in London's West End. It's called Meeting of the Minds . The star, Meg Valentine, is coming to the States to reprise the role, but she has to drop out in May, which is perfect timing. They're dying to meet you."
    "I did some plays back when I was in college," Dad tells us all proudly. "There's no thrill like live theater, Kate-Kate. Every night is a different show and you react off the crowd. I think you would really love it."
    I've never heard Dad so excited. I'm about to tell Seth I want to read the script when Mom interrupts. "Has no one thought of Kaitlin doing her own CD?" she asks.
    I can't help but glare at my mom. She's got to be kidding. First she kidnaps me and now she wants me to be a rock star? I'm not recording an album no matter how much she begs.
    The music division pounces and Broadway is forgotten. Apparently several music makers, including hotter-than-hot producer TJ, have asked to meet with me about an album. TJ has sculpted the music careers of several stars with great success, and he's only in his twenties.
    HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER FOUR: Ever wonder why so many movie stars cross over to the music world? In my opinion, it's because they can make major cash from a CD. If they've already established their name as an actor, then music companies think those fans will follow them to iTunes. And nowadays, anyone who can hum a tune can make a decent record. You wouldn't believe how they overproduce and

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