Chasing Soma

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Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
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    That was such a perfect day for me. I never thought he even noticed me until that day. He helped me get caught up on all of my assignments and every night he would call me and we would talk until one of us would fall asleep. We went to every dance together after that. We were never separated except when we went to classes that weren’t together. He would carry my books for me and sit with me at lunch. We were the envied couple by our senior year.
    I hop out of the shower and dry myself off. I go in the bedroom and dress in a pair of old jeans. I throw on an old t-shirt too. No sense in dressing nice to pack. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and walk out to join the two most important people in my life.
    I find them in Leah’s room, packing. I smile as I see her telling him about each toy before putting it in the box he is holding for her. The rate they’re going it won’t be finished in time.
    “Honey, you can tell daddy about every one of your toys later. Right now we need to pack them so we can move them to the new house.” She pouts as I say this.
    “You get to put them all in your new castle in the morning.” He tells her and she grins as though she is just remembering that we bought one.
    “Do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” I ask Leah, since she fell asleep before she ate lunch.
    “Daddy makes me one.” She smiles up at her daddy. He grins over his shoulder at me and I give him a quick kiss.
    “That was a nice daddy. How about I take over for daddy? He has some errands to run.” Leah doesn’t look all that happy about it but I take the box from Chase and he gives me a quick kiss.
    “I will pick up dinner. What sounds good?” Chase asks and our little girl answers right away.
    “Pizza.” She shouts. I roll my eyes. My daughter loves her pizza.
    “Pepperoni?” He asks and she claps her hands and nods. He kisses me again and lingers a moment longer this time before leaving the room. I grin as I watch him walk through the house and out the front door. I am really fortunate to have gotten another chance with him. He is the only man who could ever make me feel this way. Now, seeing him be a father to Leah, makes me love him more than I thought was possible. He took me to a whole new level of what love can feel like.

Chapter 9.
    Last night was even better than the night before but I know that tonight will trump them all. We have been moving all day today. All of our furniture is here and the appliances have been set up. Now, Peter and I are moving boxes as Soma and Leah are unpacking. I do not want Soma moving boxes because I am hoping like hell that I have knocked her up already. Leah is dancing around the house on her tippy toes and we are all avoiding stepping on her.
    “Daddy, see my room.” Leah grabs my hand and leads me to her room after I drop off the last box with Soma in the kitchen. Leah’s room looks just as I imagined it would. In the far corner is her large two story castle that she can store all of her toys in. The opposite corner has her twin canopy bed. After tucking her in her little bed the past few night, this bed seems much too large.
    “Are you sure this bed isn’t too big for you.” I ask knowing she is going to give me the stink eye. She doesn’t disappoint. She glares over at me.
    “I’s a big girl.” She says with a hand on her hip, just as her mother does when she is upset. I smile as I lift my daughter into my arms and toss her into the air. She giggles as I catch her.
    “You are a big girl, but daddy is always going to worry about you because that’s my job.” I tell her as I sit her in front of the castle. I open its door and look inside. It doesn’t have any of her toys in it yet. I look over by the closet where her boxes are. I go over and start opening them.
    “Come on baby girl, let’s unpack.” I tell her and she drags herself over even though she is pouting. I laugh as I start handing her toys to take into her castle. We make a

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