Secrets in the Grave (Serenity's Plain Secrets Book 3)

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Book: Secrets in the Grave (Serenity's Plain Secrets Book 3) by Karen Ann Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Ann Hopkins
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have a lot of paperwork to sift through tonight. It’s probably best if you head on home. We can catch up tomorrow morning, maybe even head back out to the Amish settlement to talk to your parents and a few other people,” I said, hoping he wouldn’t argue.
    “You have to eat. Why don’t we at least have dinner at Nancy’s Diner first? You can come back here to finish whatever work you need to,” Daniel offered. His eyes were not only wide with expectancy, but also daring me to refuse.
    I was about to come up with an excuse when Rosie called out. “Serenity, don’t you dare leave yet. The new assistant DA stopped by to meet you. She’s waiting in your office.”
    My brows rose and I groaned. Elayne Weaver wasn’t supposed to start the job for a few weeks. I wasn’t even aware that she’d made the move.
    “Sorry, I’m going to have to talk to her.” I feigned disappointment.
    “I’ll hang out until you’re finished. How long can it take to say hello and welcome her to the neighborhood?”
    “Whatever,” I muttered, turning on my heels. I felt Daniel’s presence behind me when I reached my office and opened up the door.
    The woman looking out the window was not at all what I was expecting. Her black heels were at least four inches high, making her already tall, slender frame resemble a model. Even though she wasn’t officially on the job, she wore a tailored black skirt and cream colored blouse that had a feminine ruffle at the neckline. Her hair was exceptionally long, thick and sleekly black. She wore minimal makeup on a flawless, oval face. In a single glimpse, I was jealous of her.
    She left the window with an outstretched hand. “Sheriff Adams, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Elayne Weaver. Mayor Ed Johnson had the nicest things to say about you. I even was introduced to your deputy, Todd Roftin. He’s quite the character.”
    Elayne’s voice was as feminine as her clothing, her figure and her face. She was cheerleader material all the way. Back in high school, I hated girls like her. I was a jeans and sneakers, soccer playing sort of a girl. I only wore heels to weddings and funerals.
    I recovered quickly from her friendly bombardment. “It’s nice to meet you, Elayne. I hope you’ll enjoy living here in Blood Rock. It’s a little rural for some people’s tastes,” I said with forced perkiness.
    “Oh, I’m quite familiar with Blood Rock,” she said.
    I tilted my head, “Really?”
    “This used to be my home.”
    “Elayne, is that really you?” Daniel asked, stepping through the doorway.
    “Why, if it isn’t Daniel Bachman! I never thought I’d see you again. Figured you would have moved on from this town ages ago,” she exclaimed, tucking her hair behind her ear in a quick motion.
    My head snapped in Daniel’s direction. He wasn’t looking at me at all. He was staring at Elayne.
    “How do you two know each other?” I asked, fearing the answer.
    “We grew up together. Elayne used to be Amish,” Daniel said in an awestruck manner.
    I took a deep breath and swallowed.
Now my day is complete

    “H e just ditched me,” I grumbled, taking a bite of the bacon cheeseburger.
    “Now that’s not exactly what you said a moment ago,” Todd said. “You told the man to go on and eat without you—that you had work to do.”
    I glanced at Bobby. In one hand he held a French fry and in the other, a medical journal magazine. He seemed to be ignoring the conversation completely, but I wasn’t fooled. Every so often, he’d look up and make a comment.
    “What do you think, Bobby?” I leaned over the table. “Was it right for Daniel to go out to dinner with
woman?” I took another ripping bite of my sandwich. “I think that kind of behavior warrants being mad at him.”
    Bobby laid the magazine down and met my demanding gaze. “From what you already told us, Daniel asked you out to dinner first—and you didn’t answer—then the new DA showed

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