Secrets at Silver Spires

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Book: Secrets at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Bryant
couldn’t believe how much time had gone by. In fact, I suddenly realized I was starving hungry, so I quickly texted Katy back.
    Goin ok, hope film is gd Luv J x
    Then I hid my figure under a bin liner, along with the other bin liner of glass pieces and leftover wire, in the narrow space between the hedge and the trees, and went across to the dining hall.
    I got a shock as I went in because Grace was sitting there and it was weird that she hadn’t texted me to say she was back. Maybe she thought I’d gone to the bowlplex after all. I grabbed my meal and rushed over to find out how she’d got on.
    â€œNot bad,” she said, with only a tiny trace of a smile.
    My stomach knotted right up because Grace was obviously more upset than I’d thought, and even seemed cross. I felt terrible.
    â€œSo what was the score?” I asked brightly, coming out with the first thing that came into my head and realizing immediately that it was a stupid question.
    â€œIt’s not really to do with scores. It’s just which school won the different categories.”
    I remembered then. “Oh yes, you were in the singles and the doubles, weren’t you? So…did you…do okay?”
    â€œYes, Silver Spires won the junior singles and came second in the doubles.”
    â€œOh wow! So that was down to you, Grace! Well done!” I said enthusiastically.
    â€œThanks,” she said. And this time she smiled properly, thank goodness.
    I wanted to hang on to this moment while the smile was still there. “Look, I’m really sorry I didn’t come along, Grace, I just had so much to do.”
    Her face softened a bit, but it was like she was making a huge effort, and I’m not used to there being any tension between Grace and me, so it was horrible. “That’s okay. How did you get on with your project?”
    â€œI’ve done the figure of the girl. I think she’s going to look good when she’s got some clothes on!”
    Grace giggled, and it was such an enormous relief to have her back to normal that I found myself giggling too, but then her face turned serious again.
    â€œDid you…do the work you had to do?” she asked me next.
    â€œYes…I… Yes.”
    â€œSo if your work’s all done, are you going to the Globe tomorrow then?” she asked, looking at me carefully.
    I wished then that I’d not said I’d done my work. I thought about the sheet of paper Miss Cardwell had given me and all the consonant blends we’d worked on together and how determined I was to practise everything she’d shown me in between sessions, so I’d get better and better until my problems disappeared, and a big argument started up from two different places in my brain.
    Yes, but Grace will be upset again if you don’t go.
    I know, but Miss Cardwell won’t be very impressed if I haven’t done any work on my own and she has to go over the same ground again.
    Look, why don’t you just explain about your dyslexia to Grace?
    No, I can’t. It’s too embarrassing, and anyway I should have done it in the first place if I was going to.
    â€œI’m really sorry, Grace,” I said, giving her that pleading look again, “but if I go to the Globe it’ll take up the whole day, and I might not get my…artwork done. I’m really slow at it…trying to get it absolutely perfect…you know.”
    She nodded slowly but I saw concern in her eyes. “It’s okay. I know how much it means to you.”
    And it was a relief when she tipped her head against mine, like she often did, but I was still confused. I didn’t understand what was getting to Grace.
    Later, when the others were back and everyone was phoning or e-mailing home, I slipped back to the secret garden to look at my girl figure and collect my bin liner to take back up to the dorm. There was something I wanted to do first though. I reached inside for

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