Make Me Scream

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Book: Make Me Scream by P.J. Mellor Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.J. Mellor
three or four guys in her entire life. Still, it was always fun to try to guess.
    “That’s okay.” He looked at her like he was worried she might attack him or something and shifted away a little. “I probably have at least ten pair of shorts just like these. All clean, so it’s no problem.”
    “Is it your manager’s uniform or something?”
    He laughed, and she felt the warmth speed through her body.
    “Francyne would say it is. She’s always accusing me of dressing like the Crocodile Hunter.” He glanced down at his shorts. “I always enjoyed watching him. Still can’t believe he’s gone.”
    “I know,” she said softly.
    They sat in silence for a while, watching the digital timer on the driers count down.
    “So when are you going to let me read one of your books?”
    “Right now, there’s only one available to read.”
    “Are the others with your agent or publisher?”
    Damn, he hated to lie. “Ah, something like that. So, Jamie, what do you do?”
    What did she do? Nothing for the last year and a half, unless running from Fred could be considered a career. It felt more like a lifetime sentence.
    She licked her lips, stalling for time. “Well, until a couple of years ago, I taught kindergarten.”
    “Really? Wow. I sure never had a kindergarten teacher who looked like you.” His smile flashed white in the dwindling light from the window.
    “Thanks.” Damn, she hated playing the dumb blonde. She plastered on a pleased smile as though she hadn’t heard that line a million times. Although, in truth, her students had not had a teacher who looked like her either. At least, not the way she looked now.
    “So, what happened during the last couple of years?”
    “Well…I was in a, um, less than healthy relationship.”
    “But it’s over now, right?”
    “Oh, yeah. It’s definitely over. At least, as far as I’m concerned.” Her shoulders slumped. “Unfortunately he doesn’t seem to think so.”
    Alert, Devon sat up straighter. Maybe Francyne was right and the Neanderthal really had been looking for Jamie. “Has he been…bothering you?”
    An unladylike snort escaped. “Oh, yeah, you could definitely say that.”
    “Does he live around here?” Just what he needed. He had finally met someone he thought was a nice girl and she had issues.
    “No! At least, I hope not.” She glanced nervously around the empty room as if expecting her ex to pop out of one of the driers. “I think I finally lost him in Tallahassee.” She leaned closer, bringing with her the sexy scent of fabric softener. Pretty pathetic when fabric softener turned him on. “That’s why I haven’t been working as a teacher.” Her words brought him back to their conversation. “I’ve been trying to get away from Fred.”
    “Fred? Him again? What does ole Fred do, that he can travel around making your life miserable?”
    “He’s rich. Independently wealthy.”
    Of course he was. Just his luck, the first girl to interest him in ages not only had baggage, the baggage had deep pockets. Meanwhile, if he didn’t get free rent by managing the Surfside Villas, he’d have to make the choice between living indoors and eating.
    Suffering for your art sucked.

    “J amie, we don’t have to talk about this if it upsets you.” Please. Shut. Up.
    “Hmmm?” She looked up from folding a pillowcase.
    “You don’t have to talk about Fred. I understand.” How could he be getting hard just from watching her hands while she folded? Must be all the stroking she was doing. Damn, the wrinkles are out, for cripes’ sake .
    “I don’t mind talking about him.”
    Great. Discreetly arranging his package, he sat down, folding his hands in his lap. “You don’t?”
    “Devon, you have to understand how totally I am over him. He has severe anger issues, and when his temper is riled, he’s mean as a snake.”
    “Did he hurt you physically?” Men who abused women were pond scum.
    “No, but not because he didn’t think about it.

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