Secret Mayhem

Read Online Secret Mayhem by London Casey, Karolyn James - Free Book Online

Book: Secret Mayhem by London Casey, Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Karolyn James
next time …”
    “ It ’ s all good, love. Close your
eyes. ”
    Shay knew for sure this woman was
not meant to be with the Lost Men. She had not been tapped like an old lady
would have been. He started to get very angry at the thought that the clubhouse
may be dealing with another situation. Erik's old lady, Kaity, turned out not
to be an actual rat, but Shay was in no position to trust an outsider. He had
secrets that could get him killed, and he wasn't about to let a piece of ass be
the reason he dies.
    Soon, Ava was peacefully asleep.
Shay rolled her to the other side of the bed and he sat there, staring into the
    Their grandfather was the first
person Caius ever killed. Not that he deserved to live, but the kill was
horrible to witness. Caius had arranged it for him and Shay to pull off the
murder so they could earn respect from a crew their grandfather had been
indebted with. The kill gave Cauis and Shay protection, but the cost …
    The next time Shay opened his eyes,
it was morning. He looked around the bedroom and stretched his neck. It hurt
like hell from falling asleep sitting up. When he moved his hand, he bumped
something. Better yet, he bumped someone. He looked over and saw Ava sleeping.
She was on her back, her hair spread across the pillow. Shay turned slightly
and stared down at Ava. She definitely didn ’ t
belong here, but she couldn ’ t
leave now.
    He touched her face, stroking her
soft cheek. Staring at Ava right then, Shay understood what Gaige, Landon, and
Erik got out of choosing just one woman. This tender moment was all he could
focus on while the war was raging outside.
    Shay followed Ava ’ s face down to her neck and then
to her t-shirt. When he touched her arm, she stirred and opened her eyes. For a
split second she looked like she was going to take a swing at Shay. But she
suddenly remembered where she was.
    “ You
okay? ” Shay asked.
    “ Yeah.
Sorry. Just … I ’ m good. ”
    “ It ’ s just me, ” Shay said.
    “ I
see that. ”
    “ I
have to go to a meeting soon. You want something to eat before I go? ”
    “ Yeah.
I could eat. ”
    Shay rolled to the other side of
the bed and reached to the floor. He grabbed Ava ’ s
bra and threw it up on the bed.
    “ You
can put that on now, ” he
    “ Are
you sure? ” Ava teased.
    “ Oh,
I ’ m sure. If you want to go
out there with a bunch of horny bikers looking like that, that ’ s your call. I can only protect
you so much. ”
    Shay climbed out of bed and
stretched again. He walked to the dresser and put his leather cut on before
holstering his guns and knives. He turned just in time to watch Ava putting her
bra on. The t-shirt was on the bed, and her perfect breasts were on display.
Ava snapped the bra from behind but Shay stopped her before she could cover
    “ I
have to, ” Shay whispered.
    He cupped Ava ’ s breasts with his hands and
stood there. His thumbs grazed her small nipples and they quickly became hard.
    “ Fucking
hell, love, ” Shay said.
    Ava ’ s
cheeks were burning red.
    Shay let her breasts go and Ava
finished getting dressed. He took her out to the clubhouse where the prospects
were making breakfast. When Shay spotted Jon, he called him to the bar.
    “ You
made it back, ” he said.
    “ Without
a problem, ” Jon said.
    “ You
got something to eat for me? ”
    “ Of
course. ”
    “ For
her? ” Shay asked as he
nodded to Ava.
    “ Yes. ”
    “ You
think she ’ s pretty? ”
    Jon stiffened. “ Yeah, I do. ”
    “ You
want to fuck her? ”
    Ava gasped.
    Jon looked at Ava, then down at the
ground. “ I, uh, well …”
    “ Something
wrong with her? ” Shay
    “ No.
She ’ s beautiful. ”
    “ So
you ’ d fuck her? ”
    “ Yeah, ” Jon admitted. “ I would. ”
    Shay reached out and patted Jon on
the shoulder. “ Good man
then. Keep working hard around here and maybe you ’ ll
get a real patch someday. Then you could fuck anything you want. Except what I

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