Secret Mayhem

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Book: Secret Mayhem by London Casey, Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Karolyn James
would be. She knew nothing about living the MC life
and it wasn ’ t her place to
be in the mix of it. Ava's plan to find her father and disappear from her
husband ended with her father being killed and her somewhere in California. She
had no idea what she was doing.
    Shay made it clear what a war
really meant for Back Down Devil. It wasn ’ t
about a bunch of guys wanting to fight each other because they've been
disrespected. No. This war involved bombs and serious people. The club needed
to focus on their task at hand and nothing else.
    Ava opened the door and stepped
into the hallway. She didn ’ t
want to leave her stuff behind, but it was the only way to make her wrongs
right somehow. Maybe once Shay read the information about who she really was,
maybe he would understand why she had to leave. Ava had a couple hundred
dollars rolled up in her back pocket. With that she could resupply herself and
get a train ticket or a cab ride out of town.
    Three steps into the hallway, Ava
froze when Nile came around the corner. Tall, dark, disgusting. His face was
covered in swelling and bruises from what Shay had done to him already.
    “ Look
at you, beautiful, ” Nile
said. “ Out here all alone. ”
    “ Get
away from me, ” Ava said. “ You can ’ t touch me anymore. ”
    “ Oh?
Why ’ s that? Were you chosen
by one of these guys? I get it … it ’ s the guy who I tangled
with, right? Did I look weak in front of you? Trust me, I ’ ll show you some strength. You
little cunt whore. ”
    Nile licked his lips. Ava tried to
ignore him. She tried to cut around and keep walking. But Nile wasn ’ t having it. He moved to the
left and blocked the way. When Ava moved to the right, he moved to the right.
    “ Tell
me, ” Nile said, “ did you suck his cock? Did you
let him fuck that sweet pussy of yours? What did he do to you last night? ”
    Ava looked at Nile. She told herself don ’ t say
anything stupid …
    But it was too late.
    “ He
did more to me in one night than you have done or ever will do in your
lifetime. ” Nile curled his
lip and stepped at Ava. She stepped back. “ You
can ’ t hurt me. Shay will
kill you. They will all kill you. Even your own guys, because you don't belong
to anyone."
    Nile laughed. “ You think I ’ m afraid of death? If taking you
in that bedroom to do everything I ’ ve
ever wanted meant my death, so be it. ”
    Now Ava was scared. She always knew
the Lost Men were insane and weren ’ t
afraid of death, but would they really give up their lives for a few minutes of
    It certainly seemed so.
    “ Want
me to tell you what I want to do? ” Nile asked. “ Or should I
just do it and surprise you? ”
    “ Get
away, ” Ava said. “ I ’ ll
kill you. ”
    Nile smiled and took a step back. “ I ’ m
late for my meeting. Lots of people to kill. But I ’ ll be back. Don ’ t
worry. It just turns me on even more. ”
    As soon as Nile turned around, she
started shaking. The fear spread through her body like a wildfire. Without Shay
and protection, what was going to stop Nile from tracking her down if she did
    When Ava found her strength, she
slowly made her way down the hall. Just as she rounded the turn, she ran
straight into two beautiful women.
    “ Oh,
sorry, ” Ava said as she
tried to sidestep around them.
    The two women stopped.
    “ You
came with the Lost Men, right? ” the one woman asked. She had scars on her face. Was she bombed too?
    “ Yeah …”
    “ I ’ m Avery, ” the other woman said. “ I heard you were an old lady. ”
    “ Something
like that, ” Ava said.
    “ By
the way, I ’ m Kaity, ” the woman with the scars said.
    “ Nice
to meet both of you. I ’ m
Ava. ”
    “ Ava, ” Avery said. “ That ’ s a hot name. No wonder Shay is all over you and
risking his ass by stealing a woman from the Lost Men. ”
    “ Not
stealing, ” Ava smiled. “ I was leaving to go for a walk
or something. ”
    “ Leaving
the clubhouse? ”

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