Second Chances

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Book: Second Chances by Evan Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evan Grace
that little girl could talk. “I’m sure you are, sweetie pie, but you’re gonna make so many friends while you’re at school,” Stacy told her as she carried her into the house.
    Ian was sitting next to her mom while she held Carter in her lap and he ate a cookie. Garrett and her dad were nowhere to be seen until they came walking out of the kitchen laughing.
    “Are you guys interested in buying this little girl? I’ll take fifty bucks and she’s all yours,” Stacy announced to the room.
    She sat Chloe down as Garrett ran over to her, lifting her off the ground in a big bear hug. “Stacy, my god; when did you get so gorgeous?” he said as he set her feet back on the ground. “Have I mentioned it’s good you don’t look anything like my brother?” Garrett said in a mock whisper.
    “I heard that, ass—I mean punk. Just remember I’m your older brother and I can still beat the tar out of you if necessary,” her dad said.
    “I mean it, Stacy, you look great.” She felt her eyes get misty as he pulled her into another hug. “I’ve missed you, baby girl.”
    “I’ve missed you too, Garrett. So much has happened that I need to tell you about.” She knew she’d need to tell him about Mark. He’d never had the chance to meet him, so unlike most everyone else, he really didn’t have an opinion about him.
    Stacy watched Ian walk over and gave him a big smile before she threw her arms around his neck. “Ian, you look great. I’m so glad you guys are here.”
    Ian wasn’t that much taller than she was, but he had hair the color of corn silk, blue eyes, and the biggest dimples when he smiled. He looked like the typical All-American male.
    Stacy felt a tug on her skirt and looked down to see Carter looking up at her. He was very shy compared to his sister, but he was still a loving child.
    “Hi, little man. Have you missed me?” Stacy smiled when he nodded his head. “Well, that’s good, because I missed you, too.” He threw his arms around her neck and she stood up, holding his little body close. “Were you a good boy for your daddy and papa on the way here?”
    “Yep, I was, Tay Tay.” She gave him a big smooch before she set him back down and went to hug her mom and dad.
    They’d had an early dinner at her parents. Carter was passed out on her mom’s lap. Stacy’s mom and dad didn’t plan on making her an only child, but she’d had complications after delivering Stacy and they had no choice but to do a hysterectomy.
    Stacy knew it must’ve been hard on her mom. Her parents were only 21 and 22 when she was born, and they’d probably planned on a large family, so instead they doted on Stacy and their niece and nephews.
    She sat listening to Garrett and Ian talk about work while Chloe curled up in her lap. Stacy stroked the little girl’s hair as they talked.
    “Tay Tay?” She looked down and smiled at Chloe.
    “Yes, baby girl.”
    “Can we go to your house now? I want to give you a makeover,” Chloe said, sounding very serious, but to a six year old girl makeovers were serious business.
    “If it’s okay with your daddies,” Stacy told her, which it was because Ian already was heading inside to get Chloe’s backpack.
    Stacy quickly helped her dad and Garrett pick up the last of the dinner dishes. Her mom curled up watching a cartoon with Carter, who was actually fast asleep.
    Once everything was done and Ian had Chloe’s bag all set up for Stacy, they all headed out to the front porch. Stacy stopped to kiss her mom goodbye. “Night, Mom.”
    “Goodnight, Minha filha. Have fun with Chloe,” Stacy’s mom said from the couch.
    She and Chloe headed outside where Ian was putting Chloe’s booster seat in Stacy’s truck. Stacy hugged her dad and Garrett goodbye. Ian picked Chloe up, gave her a quick kiss, and told her to be a good girl for Stacy. He loaded Chloe into the truck and buckled her in. Stacy gave him a quick kiss goodbye and he reminded her that Chloe was a

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