Second Chance Romance

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Book: Second Chance Romance by Sophie Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Monroe
smiled a boyish grin. “Thank you for saving me like that. What are you doing showing up here anyway?”
    “I missed you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.”
    “Me too.” He seemed appeased. I moved off my stool and climbed up to sit in his lap. I leaned in and kissed him long and hard until Ellie came up and cleared her throat. I pulled away.
    “Take it to the storage closet you two.”
    “How about I take you home with me instead? My driver’s around the block.” He whispered in my ear. I felt my whole body grow hot with anticipation, I nodded. He pulled out his phone and told the driver to come pick him up. He said he usually hired a driver for during the week so he didn’t have to worry about traffic or parking.
    “Be safe.” Ellie called after us , but we were already halfway out the door. I pushed him up against the brick wall of the club and started kissing him again. He looked so sexy in his suit.
    As soon as the car arrived the driver came around and opened the door . I rubbed him through the suit material making the look in his eyes turn feral. I knew it was going to be hot. When we pulled up in front of his building, ten minutes later, he strategically placed me in front of him to block his now very prominent erection. Once inside his condo he pushed me up against the wall and claimed my mouth, unbuttoning my pants and pushing them to my feet. He was practically panting.
    “We’re not going to make it to the bed are we ?” I joked, slipping his jacket off his shoulders.
    “Not a chance.” He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he slowly sank into me. I dug my nails into his back as he picked up the pace. I was enjoying the pleasure overload. I looked down watching him slide in and out and I felt my body tighten, I knew he felt it too.
    “Come on baby.” He whispered . I screamed out his name.
    Without breaking our connection he moved us so my back was on the couch where he continued his pursuit until we were both sated. I looked over his shoulder and it looked like a tornado had ripped through here. I broke into a fit of giggles.
    “What’s so funny?”
    “Us. We’re like a tornado. I think my bra is hanging from your chandelier.”
    “It look s good there. I think I’ll leave it there.” He smiled, kissing me. “Can you stay tonight? Please.”
    “Not tonight . I have a long day tomorrow, but I’ll see you for dinner, right?”
    “I wouldn’t miss it. I have a meeting first thing in the morning to discuss things with Robert , but the rest of my day is pretty open. At least I don’t have to go to court.”
    “Is everything going to be okay? With work I mean.” I was concerned that breaking off his engagement with the boss’ daughter would cause problems with his job.
    “I’m not sure. I don’t think there is anything to worry about, but Carrie’s his little girl so I’m not sure. It doesn’t matter either way.” He was holding me as if his next breath depended on it. “I’m hoping this is our second chance Jules. I thought I’d never see you again, no matter what happens as long as I have you nothing else matters. Besides, you know I don’t really need the money.” That was true. His Grandfather passed away when he was sixteen and left him a very sizable inheritance. It would be enough to last him the rest of his life and then some.
    “I know , but your dream was to become a lawyer and I don’t want you to lose that, especially because of me.”
    “Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
    Get Out Alive
    My alarm went off at six-thirty like every morning. I geared up for my morning run and hit the streets of Manhattan. I ran the same route every day, but today I seemed to notice more little things that I usually blocked out. I ran past a couple jogging with a stroller, I wished so much that it could be Jules

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