Sculpting a Demon

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Book: Sculpting a Demon by Lisa Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Fox
Tags: Erótica, General Fiction
    “Lila,” he breathed as he entered her. He remained still for a heartbeat, letting her savor the feeling of being joined with him for the first time. She could feel him throbbing within her, hard as steel, and then he pulled out and thrust again. “My Lila.”
    Heat flooded her as he spoke. Her name. He said her name. And though it was such a little thing—it was only her name after all—it still felt like something monumental had occurred and she shuddered from the force of it. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she drew him deeper into her. “Arien,” she said, her hips meeting his with every thrust.
    He ran his tongue over the curve of her breast and then caught her nipple in his mouth. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he nibbled and sucked, his body thrusting into her, every rhythmic, pounding stroke making her gasp.
    The soft sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the room as he quickened his pace. Hooking his arms under her legs, he lifted her slightly and took total control. She moaned as he pushed deeper inside her and the pulse in her belly beat harder. Her fingers dug into his ass, her body and mind consumed with fire and heat, with the hammering rush of her approaching climax. Again and again he hit that sweet, perfect spot within her, bringing her to the edge and then pushing her over, and she rode the wild waves, her body convulsing, clamping down on his cock. A deep moan rumbled through his chest and he shuddered as he emptied himself into her. Panting, spent, he collapsed heavily against her and she held him tightly. A soft sigh escaped both their lips when he pulled out, and he kissed along her collarbone, her throat, as they came down from their high.
    “There goes lunch,” she said once she could speak again, looking down at the mess on the floor.
    “We’ll eat later,” he said.
    “Later?” she asked, her mind still somewhat clouded.
    “Much later,” he said, scooping her into his arms. “I’m nowhere near through with you.” He kissed her so thoroughly her toes literally curled and then he carried her off to bed.

Chapter Seven
    “You weren’t kidding when you said you could go for days,” Lila said, snuggling against Arien’s broad chest. She ran her foot over his calf and kissed his shoulder. The fading daylight seeped in through the curtains, casting an almost amber glow over his skin.
    The bedsprings creaked softly as his arms tightened around her. “No,” he said, his fingers running lightly up and down her spine. “I wasn’t kidding.”
    She smiled and rubbed her cheek against him. “You are so arrogant.”
    He chuckled as he caressed her ass. “Is it arrogant to simply state the truth?”
    Her fingers traced the outline of his abs, trailed down the fine line of hair on his stomach. “I can’t believe you’re hard again,” she said, and laughed with pure delight. “I don’t think I can take any more.”
    “Hmmm,” he said, his hand slipping between her thighs. “Let’s find out.”
    The familiar cords of Für Elise rang out through the loft and Lila groaned. She dragged herself out of the bed, snatched the phone off the coffee table and flipped it open. “Hello?”
    “Lila!” Angie answered. “What are you doing?”
    “Ahhhh,” Lila said, glancing at Arien. “Why?”
    “Because you need to get ready.”
    “I do?” Lila asked, watching Arien climb out of the bed and cross the room to her side.
    “Yes, you do. There is an after-show party at this club called The Loading Dock. Do you know it?”
    “Yeah, I know it,” she said, trying not to gasp as Arien pressed against her from behind, his arms around her waist. He ran the tip of his tongue from the base of her throat up to her ear, and Lila’s eyes closed as her neck arched.
    “Good,” Angie said. “You’re on the list. Be here by ten.”
    “Wait, Angie, wait,” Lila said in rush before Angie could hang up. She wriggled out of Arien’s arms. “I’m kinda busy

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