Sculpting a Demon

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Book: Sculpting a Demon by Lisa Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Fox
Tags: Erótica, General Fiction
ear. “Will you have me?”
    “Yes,” she said, stroking his hardness through his pants. “Yes, please,” she added and laughed.
    He met her eyes and flashed her a quick smile. He dipped his head and then slowly dragged his tongue over her bottom lip. She gasped, her lips parting for him. Her body was on fire, every hormone alight with nearly desperate need. His tongue teased, darting and delving deeper into her mouth, tangling with and caressing hers. He tasted so incredible, like the most decadent dessert imaginable. His arms came around her waist, holding her tightly against him. She laid her hand against the side of his face, feeling his jaw work as his tongue danced with hers. He broke the kiss and touched his forehead to hers as they both panted, their breath moving in and out of their bodies in sync.
    Reluctantly, she pulled slightly away from him, her hands on his chest. “Wait,” she said. “I have condoms somewhere. We need to find them.” At least she thought she did. She hoped she did. She didn’t want this to be over before it even began. And she most assuredly did not want to settle for just some cuddling.
    Arien chuckled. “My dearest Master, I’m not human.”
    “Yeah, I know but—”
    “No but,” he said, sliding his hands under her shirt. “I carry no disease and the only way I could get you pregnant is if you commanded me to do so.” He flashed her his most wicked grin. “Shall I do so?”
    “No,” she said, shaking her head. “Absolutely not.”
    “No?” he asked, kissing her lips, her chin, the curve of her jaw. “Are you certain? I think we would make beautiful children together.”
    “No, really, it’s okay,” she said.
    He inclined his head to her and then opened his mouth to speak, but she pressed her fingers against his lips. She cupped the back of his neck with her other hand and pulled his head down until their lips met for a searing kiss.
    Lila took hold of his shirt and he helped her lift it off him. She stared at his broad chest, so lean and corded with muscle, and then reached out, placing her hand in the center of that wide expanse of skin. She smiled, feeling his heart pound beneath her fingertips, beating as fast as her own. She slid her hand down, lightly raking her fingernails over him. She leaned forward and licked and kissed the base of his throat, up to his jaw and back down again. Taking her time, savoring the taste of his skin, she worked her way down to his nipple, nibbling it lightly and grinning as she felt him quiver. Her fingers moved lower, down over those perfect abs and then lingered over the trail of dark hair beneath his navel.
    He pulled the t-shirt off her and cupped both her breasts in his hands, gently kneading and squeezing them. He plucked the material of her bra between his thumb and forefinger and slowly dragged it aside until her nipple was exposed. His index finger traced circles over the rosy flesh, his fingernail scraping over the hard peak. He lowered his head, took it into his mouth and suckled her. Lila nearly swooned as his teeth and tongue played with her. She kissed his shoulder and then bit into it as he began to suck harder.
    Her fingers still flirted with the light trail of hair on his belly. She let them explore lower, slipping behind the waistband of his pants. His body went very still for a moment and then a shudder traveled through him when she wrapped her hand around his swollen shaft.
    His mouth moved back up to meet hers, his hands roaming over the curve of her waist, the small of her back, down to the waistband of her jeans. He dipped two fingers behind the zipper and tugged her closer. She smiled as he kissed her, as he slowly unzipped her jeans. His hand glided down her stomach and then over her panties. She whimpered and he grinned. Slowly, ever so slowly, he reached under the thin material, his fingers teasing her outer lips. “So wet,” he murmured, and slipped one long finger inside her.
    She clung to him, her

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