Scream for Me

Read Online Scream for Me by Cynthia Eden - Free Book Online

Book: Scream for Me by Cynthia Eden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Eden
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Romance, Mystery & Detective
it, so I’ll fucking do it.”
    He released her. His body slid away from hers.
    She didn’t move at first. Just tried to calm her racing heartbeat and pretend she hadn’t been moments away from having sex with Kyle.
    Hot, hard sex, right on the floor.
    The way I like it .
    Kyle didn’t know that. He thought she was restrained, too controlled.
    She kept that mask on for a reason.
    Cadence sucked in a deep breath. She could almost taste Kyle on her tongue.
    No, she wanted to taste him.
    She sat up, then hurried to her feet.
    Kyle rose, much slower, and studied her with his head tilted to the side.
    “I don’t know you as well as I thought.”
    She’d tried to tell him that before.
    His gaze went to the bed. To the rumpled covers, then back to the floor.
    Cadence cleared her throat. “Do you always dream about killing someone?”
    His shoulders tensed. Then he focused his attention back on her. “Do you always like it rough?”
    “No.” Her control was back. She could play this. “I was worried about you.”
    “You wanted me.”
    Yes . “You had just woken up, Kyle. You were confused.” She turned away, glancing quickly at the clock on the nightstand. Four a.m. They could get a little more sleep. They needed more.
    Before the hunting started again the next day.
    “Tell yourself that if you want, Cadence. Tell yourself whatever you need to believe in order to get back to sleep.”
    Her eyes narrowed. So much for helping him. Next time, he could suffer in his dreams.
    She climbed back into the bed. Jerked her covers up to her chin. Tried to ignore the fact she still wanted him. Her breasts were tight, aching, and need twisted through her.
    There was a rustle beside the bed. The groan of wood. Kyle was lying back down.
    She closed her eyes.
    Her heartbeat wouldn’t slow down, and Cadence was far too conscious of every movement he made. Every whisper and slither of sound. Tomorrow night, she’d make absolutely certain they had separate rooms. This wouldn’t be happening again.
    “I wanted to kiss you.” His voice was a low rumble. One she seemed to feel against her skin.
    Her eyes squeezed closed even tighter.
    “Why do you fight what we both want?”
    She was afraid that if she gave in, he’d see the secrets she kept. Kyle was observant, smart—and dangerous.
    So she tried to be reasonable. “We’re partners. The FBI doesn’t exactly approve of fraternizing.”
    “Fuck the FBI.”
    Her hands fisted in the covers. I’d rather fuck you . No, that was not the way she should be thinking. Not at all.
    “This is about you and me,” Kyle told her. “ You and me . And I’m not waiting forever.”
    She’d never asked him to wait for her.
    Cadence opened her eyes and saw the spill of light she’d forgotten to turn off. Her hand snaked out and reached for the switch on the lamp.
    They were plunged into darkness once more.
    The darkness made it easier for her to breathe, to ask, “Who was in your dream?”
    The floor groaned as he shifted position.
    “Kyle? Who was it? Who were you killing?”
    One of the perps from their cases? One of the serials they hunted?
    “When you tell me your secrets,” he said, his voice still that deep, dark rumble, “then I’ll tell you mine.”

    Her name drifted from the darkness.
    She couldn’t feel her hands, not anymore. At first, her fingers had burned, then she’d felt pinpricks shoot through them.
    Her feet were the same way. She couldn’t even wiggle her toes. She’d tried, over and over again. But she couldn’t do it.
    She could only lie there, her body heaving helplessly, with the gag in her mouth and the blindfold over her eyes.
    “Did you miss me?”
    Something stroked her cheek. Him . He was touching her. Watching her.
    She flinched, trying to jerk away.
    “Oh, Lily, you don’t need to be afraid of me.”
    She was. That voice, drifting to her in the dark, she knew it was the voice of a monster. I want

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