so alone. Becca was there, holding her hand and wiping away her tears, but nothing would help. It was over soon and the doctors were able to give her something to help her sleep. She drifted off, but not before she cried once more.
The morning came and Jasmine stared out the window at the tree branches that swayed with the wind. She couldn’t think, could feel. She simply stared at the tree. Everything she had worked hard to do, for Parker, for her, was gone. The doctors came in from time to time to give her more antibiotics and to help her fever. She was definitely better than she had been when she arrived, but she was numb all over. Becca came to see her and with her came a new wave of tears. She had been like a mother to her throughout all of this. Parker would be devastated, and she had failed. That was as simple of an explanation as she could say.
“I called Parker sweetheart, he didn’t answer and he hasn’t called back yet, when he does, he will come home.” Becca wiped her head with a rag, gently patting her on the arm.
“Just wait, don’t call him yet. Let me get home first. There is no need to ruin his life any sooner than necessary.” She laid her head back down and watched the tree outside.
Two days, later Jasmine was allowed to leave. She had managed to put off telling Parker anything. When he called Becca back, she had handed the phone to Jasmine and left to give her some privacy. Once she was gone, she asked how the riding was going.
“It's great Jasmine, I have missed it so much. I miss you, though, and being home.”
He rambled on about things there and Jasmine let the tears stream down her face. “Well, I better go Jasmine, I’m up in a few minutes and I need to find my rig. I… I miss you Jasmine.” He hung up and she sobbed. For his loss and for hers.
She methodically packed her things at the ranch.
Becca had been in and out of the room trying to convince her not to go, but she refused to listen. She had given Jasmine her word not to call Parker until she was home in New York. She was being a coward more than anything, and she knew it. When he found out he would be devastated and she couldn’t bear that heartache, not when hers was so fresh. James agreed to take her to the airport, not wanting her to be alone any more than necessary. He did his best to comfort her, but she was still numb to anything but the sadness she felt.
When she saw her father standing there at the airport, she ran to him, much like when she was a little girl. He hugged her and she cried new tears. She had told him everything already and he had been waiting for her, to take her home to heal. She welcomed the comfort of home more now than ever before. She'd had a baby coming the last time she had been here. Now he was gone. It had been a he, the doctor had told her when she asked. It had been a necessary thing for her to know. To give that small life an identity. She made her way inside and curled up in her bed. It was the first time she could sleep in days.
Chapter Eighteen – Parker
He threw back another shot, even the burn did nothing to ease his pain.
He was dying a slow death, nothing else could feel this bad. She had left him. She didn’t wait, didn’t say a word she had just gone. He had come home full of hope, full of love… for her. It would even make sense to deny it now, he was more in love with Jasmine Turner than he had any right to. Two hours ago he had walked into his house and no one was there except Becca. He knew something was wrong the minute he saw her face. She was red eyed and wringing her hands and he felt panic unlike anything he had ever felt before.
“Becca, what is it.”
“It’s Jasmine, honey.” She sniffed and he felt his heart stop.
“Is she ok, please tell me she is ok?” He gripped the chair in
David Potter
Malín Alegría
Caro Fraser
Terri Douglas
Maurice Gee
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Norman Mailer, Michael Lennon
K.N. Lee
Randy Singer
Mary Kay Andrews