her hair until she was done. He wished that he could somehow help her.
“Thanks,” she stood on shaky legs and he noticed how pale she was.
“Maybe we need to stop all of this, Jasmine. I’m worried about you.” He looked at her.
“Well, you’re leaving tomorrow after the appointment with the doctor, so we don’t need to worry about it for a week.”
She smiled up at him as he gave her a quick peck on the nose. They climbed into bed and he wrapped his arms around her protectively.
The next morning came and Parker felt the familiar thrill of a prospective ride. He loved riding a bull, it made him feel alive. Nothing had come close to it until Jasmine of course. Life was good, his ranch was secure the baby would be here two months before the deadline and he had a wife. He gulped as the thought crossed his mind. In every way, she was truly his wife. The thought caused a sense of panic to well up in him and he tried to put it out of his mind as he drove them to the doctor.
The screen came to life as they looked at the baby once more. It was bigger now, but still a non-formed little bean. She said things looked good and they heard the heartbeat for the first time. Parker felt the overwhelming sense of pride at the sound. He had helped create that. The heartbeat somehow made it more real to him and he took the printed picture and put it in his things to take with him on the road. They made their way home both thinking about his trip. Jasmine was overly concerned about this bull riding thing. Her fears were unfounded, he was a professional, but still she told him it sounded terribly dangerous. She told him she would try to watch it since it was a televised event, but he doubted it would happen. The time came for him to leave and she walked him to the door. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but none of them came to the surface. His heart and his mind were struggling to connect and he stared at her, and then leaned down to kiss her goodbye.
“Be careful. If you need anything James and Becca are both here all week, ok?”
“I know, Parker, go be famous.” She smiled at him and he gave her once last look before he headed down the stairs.
Chapter Seventeen - Jasmine
“He loves you too, you know.”
Jasmine spun around to a familiar voice. Becca was standing there with her watching Parker pull out of the drive.
“I don’t know, Becca, I am trying to show him it's ok, but…” she trailed off.
“He is as stubborn as his father was.” She patted Jasmine on the shoulder and made her way back to the kitchen.
Two days later, Jasmine was bedridden. She had never been so sick in her life and nothing she did made it better. After much prodding from Becca, she agreed to go to the hospital.
“Promise me Becca, promise you won’t call Parker?” Her lips were dry and her face pale as she whispered the words to her.
“I know Jasmine, I know what you said. I won’t call him unless there is an emergency.” Becca was looking at her, her face filled with concern.
They admitted her for dehydration and to help get the vomiting under control. She finally was able to get some sleep the first night, but by morning she was in worse condition. She had spiked a fever, and it was increasingly difficult to control. The doctors bathed her down and pumped her full of antibiotics. It was that afternoon when the labor pains started. At first she frantically denied it was happening. When Dr. McCann came, she was forced to listen.
“I’m so sorry Jasmine, but you’re having a miscarriage. The fever came from an infection and the baby was just too small to handle it all. You’re far enough along that you will feel the pressure and have to push ok, but I am right here with you.”
Her tears were spilling down her face as she cried out in pain. It was too much and she was
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