Saving Simon (Tarnished Saints Series Book 5)

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Book: Saving Simon (Tarnished Saints Series Book 5) by Elizabeth Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
something in her purse then held her hand out the window. “Here,” she said, handing him something.
    Simon took the object from her, realizing it was a key attached to a plastic green fishing bobber. “What’s this?” he asked.
    “It’s the key for the marina. Be a doll and watch it for me until I return. The rest of the keys are on the board inside for the rentals. The red bobber is for the pontoon, the white ones are for the Jet Skis and the orange one is for the small sail boat. The pink one is for the speedboat, and of course you probably remember that the keys on the blue bobber are for your old boat.”
    She started up the motor, and Simon looked down to the key in his hand, wanting nothing more than to run the marina for her. The thought of it excited him, but he knew he couldn’t. She was about to drive away when he stopped her.
    “No, Mrs. Glover, I can’t. I’m only here for a month and I’m expected back at my job on the cruise ship.”
    “Well, then I guess I’ll have to work fast to heal my sister in the next month won’t I?”
    Another car pulled into the parking lot just then, and when Piper stepped out of it in her high heels and business-looking skirt and blouse, he felt a sudden anxiety course through him.
    “Piper,” he said aloud. “What is she doing here?”
    “Oh, dang again, I forgot about that too. My mind just isn’t as sharp as it used to be in my old age, I swear.” Mrs. Glover scrunched up her face and shook her head, acting disgusted with herself. “That’s the daughter of that nice Mr. Westbrook I met on the cruise. Do you remember them?”
    “Believe me, I remember.”
    “Well, anyway, he said he was sending her out to survey my business. He told me if it didn’t look like I was going to be able to make ends meet, he’d take it off my hands for me quickly.”
    “Did he.” Simon had at first thought Piper had come to see him, but now he knew exactly why she was here. And he would bet his bottom dollar it had nothing to do with trying to save the marina.
    “Either way, I’m most likely going to sell it to him,” Mrs. Glover continued. “That Mr. Westbrook is a true godsend to say he’d take it off my hands. He even said he already had a buyer lined up who wanted to put up a hotel in place of the marina.”
    Simon didn’t like to hear this news at all. He fastened his gaze on Piper who had the nerve to smile and wave slightly before making her way toward them. She pulled out her designer sunglasses from her purse and slapped them on her face as she got closer.
    “I’ve got to go, but give me a call when you find out if they really want to buy it from me,” Mrs. Glover told him. “The number to my sister’s home is tacked up on the small refrigerator in the back room. You remember, that little room Eugene called an office with the fridge, microwave and couch in it, but it was really a place for him to have a beer and take a nap during the slow season. You’re welcome to stay there if you want. All the books and invoices are in that desk drawer in the back room as well. Thanks, Simon.”
    Simon just stood there, staring at Piper and then looking down at the key in his hand, not knowing what to do. If he refused to help Mrs. Glover, Piper would probably have the marina sold in the next few days. If he agreed to help the old woman, that would put even a bigger wedge between him and Piper. No matter what he decided to do, he felt as if he would come out on the bad end of the deal.
    “Mrs. Glover,” Piper called out as the old woman drove away. “Wait. Where are you going?”
    “Talk to Simon, dear. He’ll tell you everything.” With that, she drove away, leaving Piper and Simon standing there together.
    “Hello Piper,” he said, trying to break the ice.
    “Simon. I’m surprised to see you here.”
    “I’ll bet you are.” He realized she was no better than her father if she was the one to show up to survey the business. He’d seen this before. Big

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