The Dark Angels: Tied Together
son was not a real romantic at the time. A bad break-up along with some bad experiences… anyway, my Betsy. who was an avid reader, didn’t want the books to go to waste. As you can see she enjoyed them.” He laughed with pleasure, not sadness, at remembering his wife.
    “So, you think…” Robin was trying to say something as he turned a brighter shade of pink.
    “Robin, I don’t care if you are gay, straight, or bisexual.
    Maybe you just like those types of stories. It doesn’t matter to me.” Uncle Leo said it in a way that not even Josh could question his sincerity.
    But Josh wanted to clarify so there were no mistakes. “So you aren’t going to throw us out for the book Robin was reading?”
    Uncle Leo looked surprised. “Of course not.” Hearing Robin’s little sniff and seeing his downcast head with shaking shoulders, their past situation must have become clear to Uncle Leo. “Is that what happened?”
    “Yeah,” he said quietly. Josh move to stand closer to Robin as if to protect the younger man from the truth.
    “Fucking son of a bitch!” Uncle Leo exclaimed with all the anger Josh had felt.
    Both of them looked at Uncle Leo who never said a cross word to anyone let alone a string of curses. Then Robin looked up at him with a tad of concern. Josh looked over at the older man who was outraged for them and started laughing bitterly.
    “Agreed.” He shrugged, as if to make it appear it didn’t break his heart to have such a father. Needing to change the subject, he reached into the box and pulled out a shifter book by the author Robin adored.
    “Look, Robby, a shifter one.”
    Robin squealed and reached for the treasure. “Ohhhhh, let me see!” He flipped the book over to read the back cover and grinned as a blush stole up his cheeks. He dropped the book and knee walked to Uncle Leo to throw his arms around him.
    Uncle Leo gave him a big hug and started to pet Robin’s long shiny hair. Robin was undone by the tender gesture and started to cry like his heart was broken. “It’s okay, son. Nothing wrong with being who God made you.” After a couple minutes, he waved Josh over to join for a big group hug.
    “I want you two to know, you are both good boys and you will always be a part of my family.” He sniffed. “My Betsy would have doted on you both.” He petted both of them on the heads like they were children. “But I will do the best I can.” Slowly he moved back to his original seat to watch Robin go through the books.
    Josh sat over on the couch next to Uncle Leo and just rested his hand on the old man’s, squeezing it as he watched Robin’s excitement over the stash of books. “Thank you” seemed inadequate but Uncle Leo understood.
    Robin looked like a five year old on Christmas morning.
    Though the book covers were anything but innocent. Some were close to pornographic and those Robin put in a pile face down on the opposite side of the box away from Uncle Lou’s smiling eyes. After he went through them all, he grinned over at them.
    Josh’s heart squeezed a little as it filled with emotion. “Want me to help you carry them into our room?”
    Robin started restacking them in the box. “Yeah, I think it is a bit heavy.”
    He went over to heft up the load of books. Robin tried to assist but Josh said, “I got it.” He walked down the hall to their bedroom very much happier and relieved.

chAPteR 6
    “So do you even know this guy?” Josh asked the question in what he considered a calm fashion. Although his tone might have made him sound like a jealous shrew he couldn’t be sure.
    But watching Robin dress and fuss with his hair for a date was really too much to ask of him.
    “Not much. Uncle Leo asked me to meet him. Brad is just visiting his grandmother.” Robin sounded like he thought it was nothing. Like him going on a Saturday night date was nothing.
    Catching his frowning grimace in the mirror that hung on the back of their door, Josh tried to erase it. Sighing, he

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