Saved By Her Dragon
corner and the man in front of her said, “What the…?” at exactly
the same time, and gasps could be heard from the vicinity of the
    “Dev, I swear I’ve never seen this woman before that day in
the hospital with you!” the man she knew as her abductor shouted from
across the room.
    The one holding her answered him while maintaining eye contact
with her, “I know, Aaron, I know. Something’s not right. We just
need to chill out for a second and figure this shit out.”
    Then he spoke to her, “It’s gonna be okay, but there’s got to be a mistake.
That’s Aaron,” he motioned over his shoulder. “He’s my bre…friend,
and I know he
didn’t abduct you. Hell , he didn’t even know you until I told him about you. He
helped me watch after you in the hospital.”
    Hospital? Had she been in a hospital? She remembered him saying something
about doctors during one of her too sparse, too brief moments of
cognizance. Then there were the pokes to her arms and the humming
sound she now knew must’ve been medical equipment. How long was I out? What day is it? A million thoughts ran through her mind and then
she heard him like she had all those times before, “I promise to answer all your questions, as soon
as possible, but right now we need to figure out why you think
Aaron had anything to do with what happened to you.”
    Her eyes snapped to his, only to find him waiting patiently
for her response. It should’ve seemed weird that he could hear her
thoughts and even weirder that he could answer directly into her
mind, but it didn’t. Instead, it seemed right and made her feel closer to
him…safer somehow. His voice was all she’d had to cling to while
fighting the black fog and it was his voice that would help her
again. Nodding her agreement, she looked over his shoulder and was
surprised at all the people watching. When
did they all get here?
was a tiny woman with platinum hair and bright violet eyes that
glowed when she smiled. The light around her was bright and
friendly and when combined with the aura belonging to the biggest
man she’d ever seen in entire life standing protectively behind the
petite woman, it was obvious they meant her no harm. She smiled as
she watched the couple look back and forth between the man holding
her and the man in the corner, like they were at a tennis
mismatched couple was joined by a very pretty, tall, dark-haired
woman and a handsome blonde man that reminded her of a surfer. They
were partially hidden by what was left of the door. It was also
apparent there were others just outside the door, all extremely
interested in what was going on in her room.
to bear all the attention, she bowed her head and lowered her arm.
A finger under her chin lifted her face until once again she met
her rescuer’s expressive gaze. “You have nothing to hide from and
nothing to fear. Everyone here is your friend, I promise. I’m
Devon. What’s your name?”
    She opened her mouth to answer then shut it again. What is my name? Surely, I know my own
name? She opened her mouth again but
nothing came out. Her mind was a complete blank. Not her name,
where she was from… nothing . She could see pictures in her
mind of an older couple that she knew to be Mom and Pops. Not her
birth parents, but a wonderful couple that had raised her and loved
her more than anything. She knew they were long dead and missed
them terribly. The image of the farmhouse just outside the city
where she had grown up and lived, even after her parents’ death,
floated through her consciousness. So did the one stupid night she
had decided to go see a movie and had never made it
    The harder she tried to remember, the more pictures that
flashed through her mind. It was like a highlight reel of her
life…just glimpses of people and places she had known throughout
the years. The longer it lasted without her name, the more worried
she became. The rapid rhythm of her pulse beating in her

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