Saved By Her Dragon
I’m awake? He cares that I’m okay? It was a lot to wish for and she couldn’t help but
hope it was the truth. Devon made her feel almost normal again. She
loved the feel of his arms around her and the look in his eyes
when… Her thoughts were cut short as Sam stood up and the voices in
the room grew louder. One look revealed a newcomer–a tall, elderly
woman whose long, grey braid swung as she spoke. She was engaged in
a serious conversation with the tiny blonde.
    “Everything seems to be fine.” Sam’s words drew her attention
and she watched as the doctor returned her instruments to her bag.
“No signs of trauma, nothing unusual. I would say something light
to eat and then a good night’s sleep will make all the difference
in the world. You’re making a miraculous recovery for someone
that’s been in a coma for at least a month.”
month!” She gasped, unconsciously grabbing for Devon’s hand. He
automatically threaded his fingers through hers and pulled at their
connection to get her attention. “Yes, Sweetheart, the doctors are
sure you were unconscious for at least four weeks. I only found you
twelve days ago and just got to bring you here to my mother’s home
earlier today.” He motioned to the older lady.
    A commotion at the door cut off her next question. What she
saw next had her doubting her sanity. Standing not two steps inside
the door was an exact replica of the man that stood next to the
window. Her eyes flew to the first man to make sure he really was
there, and then at the second and back to the first again. The
longer she looked from one to the other, the more certain she was
that Samantha had been wrong about her condition. She had to be losing her
    Devon words sounded far away and muffled, “What is it? What’s
wrong? Talk to me, mo
chroi .”
    She could hear his distress and worked hard to focus. “It’s
them.” She pointed behind him at the two identical men, her voice
shaky with fear. “How are there two of them?”
    Squeezing Devon’s hand as tight as she could, she added the
other; trying everything she could to anchor herself to him. He had
promised to protect her and she knew he meant it. Just about to beg
for that help, her words were cut off when the tiny blonde
shrieked, “Oh shit! It all makes sense now.”
moved around the older woman, stopping between the two men. Her
eyes were brighter than before, and she smiled a knowing smile.
“You,” she pointed to the man by the window.” Then swung around and
pointed at the other and said, “And you…are twins.”
    The one she was facing said, “Yeah, no
shit . And…?”
    “And, when we finished the ritual, I was just about to tell
y’all that I had sensed a crazy mixture of black magic, Earth
magic, and what I thought was dragon magic during the Cleansing.
But she screamed, we ran, and we all are.” She
took a breath and continued her explanation, “I’m now positive it was that
stupid dickhead.” The tiny woman put her hands on her hips and
continued, her brow furrowed like she was deep in thought, “It
kinda felt like him, but it’s been a while since I’ve had a good
sense of his special brand of crazy and never when it was mixed with any Earth
magic but my own.” She spun around and spoke to the older woman,
“His dragon magic is seriously stronger than before.”
    The mention of the guy the tiny woman had called ‘dickhead’
caused Devon to tense and every other male to growl in anger.
Apparently, there was a nasty history between her true abductor and
the nice people that were trying to help her. She wondered what he
had done to make them so mad and was just about to ask when the
petite blonde woman took a few more steps in her direction.
Stopping at the end of the bed, she grinned nervously, “I’m so sorry for blurting all
that out. You must think I’m a fucking loon.”
picture of her mom in the greenhouse behind the barn, the entire
back wall covered with

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