Saved and SAINTified

Read Online Saved and SAINTified by Tiana Laveen - Free Book Online

Book: Saved and SAINTified by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
    “Now, you’ve already put him out there, embarrassed the man —so we can’t reverse the scene. If I had of known that was the question, I would’ve asked that you talk to me about it in private but everyone has heard it now, and some of you may be having a similar problem with your mate. So, I will go ahead and address it and the answer is easy. He can’t help it.”
    Sighs, snickers and moans.
    “No, I’m serious. I’m not making excuses, but this is what is happening inside of a man to cause this. Let me explain. Okay, let’s look at this closely. Sexual studies have demonstrated that during ejaculation, men release a combination of brain compounds, including norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and nitric oxide, okay? I don’t expect you to know what all of these are, but once we are finished here tonight, look them up so that you can understand what each of these bodily chemicals do. It will make more sense to you. For the sake of time, I’ll get to the one that has the most control over the sleeping aspect. We also release a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is associated with the feeling of sexual gratification, and it also arbitrates what we call “recovery time”. The recovery time is common for many men who need to rest between erections and cumming. Not all men do, but most need breaks between each ejaculation. Now, for the men that don’t, those men have a lower amount of prolactin, thus, have faster recovery times.”
    Like myself…
    “So, does that answer your question, Rita?”
    “Yes, I guess next time I won’t be so hard on him then.” She smiled.
    “He needs to be hard on himself, so y’all can go again!” someone joked, causing an uproar of laughter.
    S aint couldn’t help a chuckle as he leaned back against the buffet, arms crossed.
    “So look , ladies.” He glanced down at his watch. “No one has time to play around here. Either you’re in, or you’re out. Cleanse yourselves, get your mind right. I know that most of you in here love your boyfriends, fiancés and husbands. You can’t keep doing what you’re doing, though, just because it’s comfortable. We only grow from discomfort and change.”
    He stressed the last sentence, and was happy to see the accepting faces in front of him .
    “I feel better now . I’m going to do the right thing,” someone from the crowd said.
    S aint nodded. “Good. It’s time. It’s been time. Accept the change, ladies. If everything stays the same, you’ll never develop and mature—that includes your relationships. Growth is a part of life. Nothing is exactly how it was, even thirty seconds ago. You owe it to yourselves, your relationships, Naomi and Valerie, to try to do the best you can. No more excuses. This isn’t your first or second date. You’ve known these men in your lives far too long for that. You’re stagnated … still giving a fuck what someone else will say or think. Those people aren’t in love with you—they aren’t in your bed. They aren’t trying to marry you, be the father of your children, be there for you, be your best friend. … Fuck another opinion. This is your life, so live it. Cleanse and mend. Time is running out.”
    S aint wrapped up the discussion, answered a few questions then waved good-bye. He heard the women talk amongst themselves as he exited the dining room. Their energy was new. He knew they felt rejuvenated and he believed many were going to move in a more positive direction. He found Valerie and Naomi sitting in the parlor across the vast hall, a piano beside them and a chandelier shining its soft glow down upon their heads, making their natural crowns of glory sparkle.
    “Okay, the massacre is over.” S aint laughed as he saw their smiling faces. Valerie lifted a cup of coffee to her lips. “Interesting group of women. I think I got through to some of them.”
    “Yes, we heard some of it.” The women looked at each other and grinned. “Thank you.” They

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