Save the Last Bullet for God

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Book: Save the Last Bullet for God by J.T. Alblood Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.T. Alblood
Tags: Ancient Aliens, spacetime, Alien Contact, doomsday, code, nazi germany 1930s, anamporhous, muqattaat, number pi, revers causality
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at the same time. For a second, I thought of taking
her away from there, saving her, giving her one more chance despite
    Collecting herself, she straightened up in
the chair, turned to one side and took the papers from the girl
behind her. The papers trembled in her shaky hands. She stepped
away from the circle and began to move toward the door before she
turned to me.
    “Doctor, can I speak to you for a
    I looked at Hellen and the others before
following, confused about what she might want to say. My heart
began racing and I followed Maria into a smaller, darker room.
    She looked at me with the same energy I
remember from the night of our escape. “Dear Doctor, they asked me
to speak to you.” She sounded weak.
    I felt both disappointed and confused. Who
was she talking about?
    “The Aldebarans. They spoke to me about
tonight, about the differences between the living and the
non-living, particularly an energy that gives life to living
beings. Do you know something of this?”
    “I have read of such things in my research.
Go on.”
    “Well, they spoke of a schema, of a device. A
device that can cure patients by restoring them with the energy
they’ve lost, like an energy collector. I apologize, but the terms
the Aldebarans use do not have any meaning here on Earth. I am just
describing the concept.”
    “Are you saying they talked to you about this
because I was here? If I knew you’d suffer that much, I would have
never come.”
    “No. It’s okay. It’s my job…or my curse. It
cannot be escaped.”
    Suddenly an image of a child throwing a
starfish into the sea came into my mind. Instinctively, I held her
hand and placed a little kiss on it. I thought about her pain and
who’d take responsibility for it.
    Maria gave me a slight crooked smile before
going on. “It will take some time to make a clear copy of the
Sumerian texts,” she said. “There are schemas that need to be
translated into German. But they want me to give them to you.”
    “Yes. They believe you will know what to do
with the information. If you stop by tomorrow or the next day, I
think it will be ready. Now, I must ask you to excuse me, as I am
very tired.”
    With a touch to my shoulder, she turned away.
I saw Hellen standing in the doorway and Maria touched Hellen’s
cheek as she passed and went back into the main room. Hellen smiled
at me. “Are you ready to go?” she asked.
    . . .
    “Where are we going?” I asked. We were
sitting in the back of a cab, and the driver was staring at us,
waiting for the answer to his question.
    “Actually, it’s early,” Hellen said, “and I
really don’t want to go to my cousin’s. Let’s go to your place and
talk and have a few drinks.”
    There was a short, tense silence.
    “On one condition,” I said.
    She was getting ready to say seven or eight
sentences one after another, but I touched her lips with my index
finger. I felt a little kiss on that finger as her two blue eyes
dove under her eyelids in an expression that simply said “yes”.
    . . .
    That night, I awoke with a start. The room
was dark and I was covered in sweat. I turned to look next to me.
Hellen was there. Her flowing hair blanketed her dry, soft
shoulders. She was fast asleep. I quietly got out of bed to go get
cool by the window. I shivered when I looked out and saw two men
wearing brown shirts get out of a pitch-black car and approach the
door of my house.
    I got dressed as their knocking persisted.
Reluctantly, I finally opened the door. They pressed an envelope
into my hand and went away without a word. I opened the envelope
with hands shaking from a mix of fear and relief. Inside, was a
letter addressed to me along with a few official, signed documents.
The documents consisted of a single permission to leave the
country, including the proper supporting papers. The letter
addressed to me was a single page and topped by a letterhead
featuring an eagle holding a swastika in its

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