Savage Lessons (Temple of Luna #3)

Read Online Savage Lessons (Temple of Luna #3) by Moira Rogers - Free Book Online

Book: Savage Lessons (Temple of Luna #3) by Moira Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira Rogers
Tags: Romance
I don't have to. We can have everything."
    Sudden uncertainty intruded. " If I really can do it. I have six months to find out. If I'm not right for the position, we can still go."
    Dejan kissed her, not the hot, desperate kiss of their frantic couplings, but a slow, deep kiss that rocked her to her core and left her clinging to him. "You'll be perfect. You'll be wonderful. And you'll be mine."
    Only a few short days before, the knowledge had scared her. But that was before there had been a light at the end of the tunnel, a possible way for them to stay together without leaving their lives behind.
    Now, for the first time, hearing the words brought a rush of joy. "I'll be yours," she agreed, and kissed him again.

    Lexa studied the tablet one last time before handing it off to her assistant. "Everything should be set for the banquet tonight. Tomorrow, I'll need to meet with Hana. She's ready for her white bands."
    "Yes, my lady. And I believe you have a visitor awaiting you in the garden." A small smile curled her assistant's lips. "I'll be leaving for lunch now, if you don't need me?"
    It had to be Dejan. "Take the afternoon off and rest up for the party. I'll see you there."
    "Thank you." A short bow, and the young woman hurried from the room.
    The wide door to the garden glided open under Lexa's hand, but she found Celine waiting for her, not Dejan. She'd never before seen the woman in anything but the expensive robes of her station, but Celine was dressed casually now. Not the rich dresses of the nobility or the finely cut fabrics of the upper class, but an unremarkable pair of linen pants and a plain shirt, with her long hair caught in a simple braid.
    Lexa caught her hands and kissed her cheeks. "Don't tell me you're leaving before the banquet."
    "I'm required elsewhere," Celine replied quietly. "The woman who took me in as a child has fallen ill. I meant to leave at the end of the week, but now... Well, I'm just glad I have the freedom to go."
    The last five months had given Lexa the confidence to smile, albeit sadly, at Celine's words. "Things here will be fine. I hope your friend will be, as well."
    "Thank you, Lexa." Celine's fingers tightened around hers. "I'm proud of you. You learned everything I had to teach, and taught me a lesson or two of my own."
    Celine had been more than a mentor -- she'd been a friend. "I owe you so much. If you need anything, ever, Dejan and I are here for you."
    "I know. I need to hurry, and I believe Dejan is waiting in the copse." Celine kissed her cheek again, then pulled back with a smile. "By your leave, high priestess?"
    "Lexa," she said softly. "To you, Celine, I will always gladly be headstrong little Lexa."
    "Yes, you will. Luna watch over you, child."
    The door had barely slid shut behind Celine when Lexa heard soft footsteps behind her. "I helped her bring her things down to the transport already, but she wouldn't let me interrupt you."
    Her heart jumped at the sound of Dejan's voice. "It wouldn't have mattered. The preparations are finished, and everything is ready for tonight."
    Strong arms slid around her waist, and his lips found the spot behind her ear that always melted her insides. "I know. Are you nervous?"
    She turned and flashed him a rueful smile. "I was, a month ago. Now I'm too busy to be nervous." And she loved it, every second.
    "Good." His lips claimed hers, and she felt the scrape of his teeth before he pulled back. "Regardless, as the first guard, I respectfully suggest the high priestess consider returning to her quarters to rest up for the night ahead."
    "Rest?" she teased, her hands wandering over his back -- and lower. "Is that what I'll be doing?"
    He growled and nipped at her chin. "Is that what you want to be doing?"
    Heat bloomed, and Lexa laughed. "Perhaps a relaxing bath?"
    Dejan hooked his hands under her legs and dragged her up his body. "Whatever my lady wishes."
    Her breath caught. "Your lady wishes to tell you how desperately she

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