Lightnings Daughter

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Book: Lightnings Daughter by Mary H. Herbert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary H. Herbert
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clouds around them. A stallion broke away from the ring, trotted forward, and nodded his head to Gabria.
    He was huge. Even on the cairn of stones, the woman's head barely reached his nose. She realized immediately he was the King Stallion. His great strength was molded in the muscles of his neck and legs; his eyes glowed with a deep, abiding wisdom. White hairs of age covered his muzzle, yet his step was powerful. A regal courage showed in his every movement and toss of his head.
    We greet you, Sorceress, he told Gabria. The stal ions thoughts to her were proud but kind.
    She swept back her cloak and bowed low to the majestic horse.
    We have waited a long time for the magic-wielders to return, he continued. The Hunnuli were bred and born to be the companions of humans with the ability to use the powers of magic wisely. We have missed them. You are the first in a long time to return to the arts. For that we are greatly pleased.
    Gabria stared at the stal ion, her eyes huge. She had no idea what to say to him. Sensing her confusion, Nara left the circle of Hunnuli and came to stand beside her.
    The King Stallion turned his dark eyes to Nara. Serve her well, Gabria heard him tell the mare. She must continue her work if sorcery is to return to the clans.
    The mare agreed with a neigh.
    Gabria spoke up, "Nara has been my friend beyond all imagining. She has served me very wel indeed."
    And so shall her sons, the stal ion replied. Then he dropped his head down to Gabria's height, arching his massive neck, and looked at her through the long hairs of his forelock. Sorceress, we have asked you to come to Valorian's Wheel so we can warn you. Someone, some human, is tampering with magic beyond their control. He shook his mane angrily.
    You know the Hunnuli cannot be harmed or altered by magic, but we are innately sensitive to it and to any change in the forms of magic. Lately, we have sensed strange vibrations emanating from the east.
    These frighten us, for we believe the powers of magic are being abused.
    Gabria looked away, her eyes thoughtful.
    The stal ion snorted. You know who it is?
    "Possibly. An exiled chieftain may be in Pra Desh. We think he has the Book of Matrah,”

    Then, Sorceress, you must go. Find the source of this tainted magic before something terrible happens that you cannot challenge or reverse.
    Gabria paled. "Do you know what he is doing?"
    The Hunnuli lifted his head to the east, his nostrils flaring. That is unclear to us. The only thing we know is this magic-wielder is unskil ed in handling the powers he is trying to use. He must be stopped.
    Gabria felt her heart sink. Oh gods, not now, she cried to herself. To the stallion she forced her reply: "I understand."
    Good. The stal ion neighed a command, and a smal er, younger male broke away from the herd and joined Nara. The stallion bowed his head to Gabria.
    It would be wise if you took other humans with you, the king told her. Particularly the chieftain, Athlone. He would be a great help to you. Eurus wil go with you. Lord Athlone wil need a mount befitting his talent.
    Gabria eyed the young stal ion doubtful y. "I don't mean to be ungrateful, but Athlone is very reluctant to admit his powers. Now that his stallion, Boreas, is dead, he may not accept another Hunnuli."
    The King Stallion snorted, a noise that sounded much like laughter. We wil let Athlone and Eurus work out their own relationship. I'm certain the chieftain wil come to his senses.
    The woman's mouth tightened, for she knew Athlone's stubborn nature. "I hope so,” she muttered.
    With a toss of his head, the king signaled his herd. The horses neighed and pranced forward.
    Farewel , Sorceress, he said to Gabria. We wil come if you need us. Then he wheeled and gal oped back up the plateau, the other Hunnuli fal ing in behind him.
    Before Gabria could draw another breath, the horses were gone. The thunder of their hooves echoed on the peaks and faded. An empty quiet fel on the plateau. She gazed

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