Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set

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Book: Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set by Jennifer L. Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer L. Jennings
I said. “You want the long or short version?”  
    “ It’s a simple yes or no.”  
    “ I wish it were simple, but it isn’t.” I dropped my eyes but could feel his burning a hole in my forehead.  
    “ So how long have you been unhappy?” he asked, not missing a beat.  
    “ Things haven’t been good for years. He’s a good dad, you know, but when it comes to me, it always feels like he’s got better things to do.”  
    “ He doesn’t appreciate you?”  
    “ That’s how I feel, but maybe I expect too much.”
    “ What do you expect?”  
    It was the same question I’d asked myself for years.
    “ I need friendship and mutual respect, at least. I just want us to be silly and laugh together. I don’t need flowers or even hot sex, just someone I can really relate to.” Having said much more than I intended, I took another sip of wine, listened to see if I could hear Brian still talking to his dad.  
    “ I imagine you want to talk with him,” Max said quietly. “I don’t mind waiting.” He extended a hand as if to say go ahead.
    Sighing audibly, I nodded and went into the living room. Finding Brian sitting on the couch, I gestured to him and he said good-bye to his dad and handed me the phone.  
    “ Hey, there. How’s Miami?” I asked.  
    “ Busy,” he said. “You know how it is. Jerry is being a royal pain in the ass. I might have to stay a few days longer than expected.”
    “ I understand.” I wondered if he detected my lack of disappointment, or lack of interest in his lack of any real explanation.  
    “ It’s not too late for you to come down. It’s eighty degrees. How can you pass that up?” I heard an earnestness in his voice that nearly broke my heart. Maybe he really was starting to make an effort with us.
    “ I have to go back to work tomorrow, and I have a lot to catch up on at the office,” I said, trying to think of another excuse, but Daniel saved me the effort.  
    “ I figured as much. But you can’t fault me for trying, right?”  
    “ I’m glad you understand, Dan. Maybe Brian and I can tag along on your next business trip,” I said, knowing full well how nearly impossible it would be to pry Brian away from his friends for even one day.  
    “ Okay, then, I’ll let you go for now. Goodnight.”
      In typical Daniel fashion, he neglected to ask how my life was going. Hadn’t even waited for my goodnight. I wondered if he even remembered Beth’s service. Then again, who was I to complain? Hadn’t I just conveniently neglected to mention that I had a charming, handsome, young guest at the house for dinner?
    I returned to the kitchen just in time to see Max polishing off what was left of the wine. He seemed to be doing a good job of drowning his sorrows. I knew I had a quick decision to make. Was I going to encourage his progress down the path he was on or gather him up and send him on his way?  
    “ So, Max, what do you think?” I asked, looking down at the empty glass in his hand.
    “ I think we need more wine,” he said, smiling up at me.  

Chapter 14
    Wednesday, November 10
    I reached over and silenced the snooze alarm, then sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes, a throbbing pain at the base of my skull. I tried to recall the night before, how much wine I’d consumed. What had I been thinking? Had Max and I killed another bottle after the first? Had he driven home drunk?
    I wandered out of the bedroom to check on Brian, realizing he must have already left for school, and saw Max lying on the couch, fast asleep by the sound of his snoring. He was supine, clothed, uncovered. I stood there watching him breathe, and for some reason could not take my eyes off him. He looked peaceful, curly hair flattened on one side. Was the urge I fought to lean over and run my fingers through it a sweet, maternal one, I wondered, or something more?  
    Fortitude won out this time and I went into the kitchen and poured water into the coffee

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