Broken Dreams (Broken Series)

Read Online Broken Dreams (Broken Series) by Dawn Pendleton - Free Book Online

Book: Broken Dreams (Broken Series) by Dawn Pendleton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Pendleton
    I nodded to Gabby. “I’ll tell him tomorrow, after I get the test results. And,” I added when it looked like she was going to protest, “I’ll tell him whether I get good news or bad

    Mallory kept quiet but squeezed my kne
again. I suggested we watch a movie and Gabby moved to put a disc in the Blu-Ray player.
    We spent the next hour and a half watching Tom Cruise as Maverick. When Luke walked in the front door, we all looked at him expectantly.
    “I don’t mean to interrupt,” he said, throwing his hands up in defense. “I’m just going to go to bed. Goodnight, babe

e walked over and placed a kiss on Mallory’s forehead and then walked back to the room they shared.
    “I guess that’s our cue to get out of here,” Gabby said.
    “You guys don’t have to,” Mallory protested, but I could see her looking down the hall with anticipation.
    I smiled. “We’ll go, Mal. And we’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I promised.
    Gabby and I got up off the couch and made our way outside. Before I got into the mini-van, Gabby put a hand on my shoulder.
    “I’m sorry I was so harsh, Rain,” she apologized.
    “Don’t apologize, Gabby. One of the reasons we are such good friends is that we’re always honest with each other. I wouldn’t trade that for anything,” I replied. I pulled her close and hugged her. “Love you, Gabby,” I said in her ear.
    “I love you, too, babe. No matter what you decide about Baker,” she said as she pulled away from the hug. “Remember that he only has your best interests at heart. He cares about you.”
    I smiled at her words, more certain than ever that she was right. This thing with Baker might have started out as a fling, but it was quickly turning into more than that, whether I wanted it to or not. Baker was important to me, and if had a secret like mine, I would probably brow-beat him until he told me the whole story. So the fact that he was being patient and understanding only proved that he was the kind of guy I should be with. Not to mention he was incredible in bed.
    I grinned like an idiot as I thought about his lovemaking skills and got into the driver’s seat of my mother’s mini-van. Maybe I would go over to his place tonight and surprise him with a good romp. And then promise him that I would tell him. I just needed a bit more time to work up the courage.
    When I pulled into the driveway, I was surprised to see all the lights off in his apartment. But the outside light was on, a beacon of invitation to me; no matter how unsure he was about us, he always made sure I felt like I mattered. I sat there in the driveway for several minutes, thinking about how lucky I was to have a guy like Baker. He was pleasant and good-natured with an amazing sense of humor. He could always make me laugh.
    I got out and walked up the steps, opening the front door like I belonged there and
straight into his bedroom. He was laying on his bed, propped up with an extra pillow and doing something with his phone. He looked up when he saw me and his face lit up, even more than it already was from the glow of the screen. I smiled in reaction and paused at the threshold, taking the time to just stare at him. He was naked
but partially covered by the sheet pulled across his legs. His arms were thick with muscle, his chest broad and tan. His waist was trim and narrow, his hips almost non-existent beneath the cover of the sheet.
    He tilted his head at me. “See something you like?” He pulled the sheet down just a bit more and I could feel my body tingle at the idea of getting my hands on him.
    “Not yet, I don’t,” I said as I walked over to the bed. “But I will
”  I yanked the sheet off the end of the bed, revealing his beautiful naked body
and had to step back from the impact. I had seen him naked plenty of times, but each time was like the first, taking my breath away.
    Unfortunately for me, I stepped on the edge of the sheet that was

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