Sacrifice of Buntings

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Book: Sacrifice of Buntings by Christine Goff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Goff
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the swamp acreage. The deal they’re offering is even more lucrative for us than making the trade. If the Authority doesn’t back us, we’re going to sell.”
    He made it sound like a threat.
    “What company?” Dwayne asked. “For what purpose?”
    “I don’t see where that’s any of your business.”
    Dwayne’s biceps bunched. “It sure as hell affects us.”
    Fancy reached out and patted his arm. “Let it go. He’s bluffing. Besides, it doesn’t endanger our deal. They’ll still need dry land access.”
    The pieces dropped into place, along with the Carters’ interest. No wonder Dwayne seemed worried.
    “You’re all missing the point,” Becker said. “Either way, the land trade is detrimental. Either way, something precious is lost. It’s been left up to us—you and me—to determine what’s better sacrificed and who—or what—will prevail.”

    On that ominous note , Becker pushed away from the table. “We have an early start tomorrow. I’ll see you all then,” he said.
    Katie was the next to leave, and Patricia Anderson quickly followed. Didn’t she trust her daughter?
    The Carters left next, then Evan Kearns departed.
    Within moments, Rachel saw Lark give the high sign that it was time for them to depart.
    “We should go too,” Rachel said. “We all have workshops the morning.” She nudged Cecilia, who nudged Dorothy, and the four of them stood to go.
    “Mind if I tag along?” Saxby asked. He slid back his chair and stood. “Perhaps I can even buy you ladies a nightcap?”
    Cecilia raised an eyebrow at her sister. “Oh my.”
    Dorothy turned beet red.
    Lark glared.
    “Why not?” Rachel said, covering an awkward silence. Heck, it might be her last opportunity to get the skinny on Saxby. “It’s apt to be a little crowded, but I think we have room for one more in the car.”
    Now Lark scowled. Rachel didn’t want to know what she was thinking.
    With Saxby settled into the backseat between Cecilia and Dorothy, Lark drove and Rachel rode shotgun. Lark rolled down the windows, which discouraged conversation, so Rachel leaned her head against the headrest and absorbed the hum of the cicadas, breathing in the sweet scent of magnolias and letting the soft breeze ruffle her hair.
    The protestors were out in force, and Rachel could hear them before she could see them. “No Land Swap! No Land Swap!” She felt a pang of sympathy for their cause. The painted buntings were beautiful birds, and it seemed a shame to wipe out their nesting area for nine more holes of golf. Death shoots a birdie on the eighteenth hole.
    She smiled at their leader, and the man smiled back. Today he wore a white T-shirt with the image of a golf green circled and slashed, and multiple strands of love beads.
    Once they were headed up the drive of the Hyde Island Club Hotel, Cecilia spoke up. “I’m exhausted. I think I’ll bow out and head straight up to bed. Anyone care to join me?”
    She plucked at Rachel’s sleeve, and Rachel batted her hand away. What she had to say wouldn’t make Cecilia happy. “I could go for a coffee and Baileys.”
    Regardless of how ridiculous she considered Lark’s attitude toward Saxby, if Lark thought Dorothy needed chaperoning, far be it from Rachel to abandon ship.
    Lark thawed a degree. “Sounds good to me.”
    It ended up being the five of them. Cecilia had grudgingly changed her mind and traipsed after them into a cozy bar off the dining room. Inside, fishnets loaded with stuffed sea bass and conch shells decorated the walls, candles under glass flickered from bare-top tables, and a bluegrass band picked “Li’l Georgia Rose” from a CD player behind the bar.
    The place was practically empty. One well-lubricated gentleman mumbled into his drink at a corner bar stool, and several couples whispered at moonlight-draped tables near the windows. One extra-large table sat open near the crackling wood fire, and Saxby guided Dorothy into a chair. He claimed the seat

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