North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

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Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
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leveled out, looking as if it had never taken off, but Jack knew better. He painfully marched through the snow, his hand clutching at his chest while the ache settled in his heart, refusing to let him be. Stumbling, he ran into Rudy’s door with his shoulder, and he stifled a growl. He grabbed the handle and gave it a yank, relieved when the door opened.
    “Rudy?” His voice was hoarse but he didn’t care. Rudy was in his seat, his harness firmly securing him there, his head lolled to one side and his eyes closed. “Sweetheart, please wake up.” He unlatched Rudy’s harness and carefully pulled him out, unaware until his legs gave way under him what little strength he had left after calling on his powers so recently. He fell into the snow, Rudy cradled in his arms. “Please be okay,” he whispered, holding him close. In the distance, bells jingled. Help was coming.
    Relief swept over him, and he fell back into the snow with Rudy held tightly against him. As he closed his eyes, he used what was left of his strength to draw the cold away from Rudy and keep him warm. As soon as he heard the concerned voices of those who had come to their aid, Jack surrendered to the darkness.

Chapter Seven
    “J ACK ?”
    Jack’s gaze remained fixed on the red-and-orange flames dancing in the hearth while a dark storm brewed inside him, one he itched to unleash. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get his mind off the events of today, the fear and heartache in Rudy’s pale-blue eyes as he sat trapped inside the plummeting aircraft. Jack had enemies, plenty of them insolent enough to perform such a cowardly act, but none wielded such magic; not to mention, any enemy who would strike him in such a fashion was declaring war against him. When he found whoever was responsible for this, he would crush them into an icy pulp.
    “What?” he snapped, making the small elf give a start.
    “You’re making the room awfully cold,” Tim said through chattering teeth. He had his arms wrapped tightly around himself in an effort to keep warm.
    “So what?” He was the Prince of Frost—obviously cold factored into his existence. Why was everyone so surprised to find themselves surrounded by such elements when he was present? What did they expect from him? Sunshine?
    “You’re making Rudy cold.”
    Jack straightened, having for a moment forgotten where he was, and the reason he was here. Quickly, he went to Rudy’s bedside to take his lover’s icy hand in his, absorbing the cold until Rudy was left comfortably warm again. After a gentle kiss to Rudy’s hand, Jack turned to Tim, who had positioned himself beside Rudy on his bed, his slender arms wrapped around his drawn-up knees, and his worried gaze on Jack. Blast it. Jack had allowed himself to get carried away in unpleasant thoughts, only to snap at his dear friend. Tim didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his foul temper. The young elf had been nothing but admirable in his loyalty, remaining by Rudy’s side, tending to him when all Jack had managed was brooding.
    “I’m so sorry I snapped at you, Tim.”
    “I understand,” Tim said quietly, his gaze going to Rudy, who had fallen into a deep sleep shortly after arriving at their home. According to the doctors, Rudy would survive, but he had an extensive amount of healing to do. Of course their biggest concern had been the Big Flight. Without Rudy, the other Rein Dears wouldn’t be able to fly. It was the way Kringle’s magic worked. Nine Rein Dears or none at all. Frankly, Jack couldn’t give two berries about the Big Flight, not when Rudy was looking so pale and fragile, even his fiery red hair taking on an ashen hue.
    Some loose strands of hair fell over Rudy’s brow, and Tim gently brushed them away. “What about you, Jack? Are you all right? You had quite the fall.”
    “I’m fine.” Jack paced the bedroom, missing Rudy already, his smile, his rich laughter, the feel of his arms around Jack.

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