Russo: His Untold Story (Blacklisted #3)

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Book: Russo: His Untold Story (Blacklisted #3) by Maria Delaurentis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Delaurentis
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there for me. They were all different restaurant buildings for sale. She had been so supportive of me. I missed her. It had been less than 24 hours and each thought I had was related to her. I couldn’t resist the urge to see what she was doing, and against my better judgment I decided to sign into her bank account. I had set everything up prior to this—not to snoop on her, but simply because it made it easier to send her money.
    She had already bought a car it looks like, and I was familiar with the location of the dealer. She had a hotel room as well. Fuck, I was being such a lunatic. Leave her alone, you’ve done enough. But now that she had a car I did need to go get my SUV, right? That’s what she told me to do. I sighed and leaned back, rubbing at my eyes while I tried to gain some form of sense that would keep me from stalking her. It wasn’t working.
    A few hours passed, and I would be lying if I said I hadn’t texted her more than a few times. She never answered—not that I really thought she would. Nothing held any interest. I didn’t want to eat, I was incapable of sleeping, and I was running out of ways to occupy my thoughts. I needed to get out of here.
    I found myself dressed and driving around the city aimlessly in the dingy, rusty van I had used to pick up Gabriella in the beginning of all of this. My mind played the last few weeks over and over. I found myself recounting the things she said, the way she looked at me, the sound of her laughed—I didn’t know what I was experiencing. I didn’t know if this was infatuation or if I had somehow fallen in love with her in that short amount of time.
    Could I love her? Was that why it was so hard to see her go? I thought of watching her in the kitchen, sleeping next to her, my fingers gliding over each inch of that skin I loved so much. How could I have not realized before what these feelings were? I really was a fucking idiot. I had to see her; I just needed one more chance to tell her how I felt.
    It was only mid-day and I had no idea if she’d be at the hotel but I knew that’s where my SUV would be. I headed towards the hotel I saw on her bank statement and pulled into the lot, instantly spotting my SUV in the back. I parked the van next to it and shot off another text to her, though I had no idea why I was bothering. I made my way inside the hotel and up to the front desk, putting on my best smile before I approached the younger girl.
    “Hey there, I booked a room for my sister Gabriella Cardosa earlier, but we really need two. Could you possibly see if you have a room available next to hers? The card we used for her room ends in 1988.” I said, trying not to think about how fucking weird I was for knowing that. I added a wink for good measure, and the girl melted.
    “I’m sorry, I don’t have an adjoining room next to hers but I have one across the hall! Would that be okay?” She fluttered her eyelashes, but all I saw was Brie.
    “Yeah, that’s perfect. Here put it on my card,” I said smoothly, handing it over. Within moments I had a room key for a room I didn’t need, but more importantly I knew where Brie’s room was.
    I took the elevator to the sixth floor and headed to room 318. I let myself in and closed the door behind me. I spent the next hour standing in front of it watching the peephole waiting for housekeeping to come by and open Brie’s room. I had become a bonafide fuckin’ psycho but I didn’t care. When the housekeeper finally arrived I waited for her to enter the room. Once I heard the vacuum on I silently opened my door and slipped across the hall into Brie’s room.
    “Oh! We told the front desk we didn’t want housekeeping today, miss! Can you just leave a set of fresh towels?” I asked politely, flashing the older woman my smile. She blinked a few times and then shut the vacuum off.
    “What was that?”
    “I was just saying we asked the front desk not to send a housekeeper today—could you just leave us some

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