RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1)

Read Online RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1) by C.A. Harms - Free Book Online

Book: RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1) by C.A. Harms Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Harms
Tags: Rush
of my hands. Given that I usually held the upper hand, I wasn’t familiar with being in a position like this.
    “Just breakfast,” she said, and I offered a reassuring nod.
    “Yes,” I replied, “and possibly the opportunity to watch you do a little more adjusting.” Her eyes grew wide before she pulled her hand back and covered her face in embarrassment. But her mouth lifted in a smile, and I felt a little more relaxed.
    Kiera honestly made me feel all tied up inside. I had never been this needy for the company of a woman. I still had no idea what about her made me feel this way, but I intended to find out. I no longer cared if it took months, I would suffer through it for the chance to find out what this beautiful woman was hiding.
    She wasn’t as tough as she appeared to be.
    “I’m sorry you saw that,” she added as she lowered her hand.
    “I’m not.” I shrugged, choosing to ignore her blush. I lifted the lids from the plates and gave her the subject change I knew she was searching for as I displayed the mixture of fresh fruit, bacon, and poached eggs.
    Judging by the smile that now graced her lips, she was pleased with my choices.
    And oddly that pleased me.

    “I should go,” Kiera said as she pushed back from the table. “I can’t believe I’ve been here this long.”
    “It just means you’ve enjoyed my company.” I too stood and placed my napkin on the table. “Admit it, I’m not such a bad guy.”
    Her sweet, soft laugh only made me smile wider. Somehow her happiness only enhanced my own.
    “It was nice,” she said as she picked up her bag and placed the strap over her shoulder. “But as far as you being a good guy, the jury’s still out.”
    She’d turned on her heel and begun to walk toward my office door when without a second thought I hooked her around the waist and pulled her body back against my own. She yelped, but I didn’t let it halt me.
    The smell of her perfume mixed with her shampoo filled my nostrils, and for a moment I just took in the fragrance. I had never smelled anything more appealing. “Let me prove it to you,” I whispered. She was tense in my arms, and I knew I needed to tread lightly. Something told me that telling her I wanted nothing more than to pin her against the wall, reach beneath her skirt, and find the spot that drove her crazy would only terrify her. Yes, my usual tactics would not work on Kiera.
    “Have dinner with me,” I whispered against her ear. “You pick the place and the time, anywhere you want.” I fought the urge to demand her presence, which was my usual method because most women I ran across said yes without hesitation.
    But she wasn’t like the women I’d been with in the past.
    “Today was refreshing after all the tension faded,” she confessed, and I felt relieved that she thought so too. But it faded as she continued to speak. “I think it’s best that we keep things between us strictly professional. I just don’t have room in my life for anything more.”
    I felt like she’d just kicked me in the nuts.
    “I don’t know what happened to you,” I said in return, and though she tensed in my arms again, I went on. “I don’t know why you’re so scared of giving this thing between us a chance, but I won’t give up. It’s not who I am, Kiera. I’m a fighter, and when I have my sights set on something I want, I don’t give up until I’ve won.”
    I moved closer, making sure she could feel my lips against her neck when I continued to talk. “And you are all I think about. It’s quite distracting.”
    Chills covered her neck and shoulder as she shivered in my arms.
    Fighting my arousal was becoming more and more of a challenge. I was so fucking wired and turned on I felt like my balls were about to explode.
    “I don’t lie, and I don’t hide the way I feel.” I closed my eyes tightly and tipped my head just enough that her hair brushed against the tip of my nose. God, her scent was pure heaven. “I want you,

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