Running To You

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Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
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his things to the bathroom and comes out in a t-shirt and scrub pants and I frown, is he working or sleeping. “Hey, there is nothing like working and sleeping in pajamas 24/7!” He laughs at me. True, very true. I laugh with him.
    “Do you need to keep your phone close for your patients?” I wondered how he hears his phone when the hospital calls.
    “No, the player will keep it charging and I will hear it ring over the intercom.”
    Having Grayson in my room with the door shut was a big hurdle. In the past, I was never able to be alone with a man before without having an anxiety attack. Grayson must have noticed my tension, took me in his arms, and held me. Breathing him in, he smelled so good, of crisp bergamot and cotton, the sexiness of his scent piercing my senses. I could stay right here for eternity.
    “Alexandra, you call all the shots here” he started slowly nuzzling my hair, kissing my cheek, then my mouth, my neck. I went to take my robe off, and suddenly decided to let him do it by guiding his hand. I do not know where that came from, but I wanted more of him touching my skin. I wanted to be completely close to him, but scared the wall would come up and he would run away, or worse, I would push him away.
    Sensing what I feared, “Alexandra, I am not going anywhere. I will hold you and comfort you through the night. I want you to feel safe with me. I don’t want you to fear anything.”
    Softly stroking my arms and shoulders, gently touching my skin, he starts kissing me again. Kisses so tender and with so much passion at the same time, slightly swaying to the music that was playing over the intercom. He pulled the comforter back on the bed and gently laid me back. Continuing to hold my hand, he climbed over my feet and snuggled up beside me.
    “Did you take your med, already?” I nodded yes, and he asked, “Are you sleepy yet, because I won’t be accused of taking advantage of a comatose woman!” We both busted out in laughter! Oh the delight of this patient, sexy God in my bed! Where on earth did he come from? Gently, he starts kissing me again, biting my lips, my earlobes, and my neck. God, he tastes so good. I want him so badly and I know it will be beautiful when it happens. “Go to sleep Alexandra, we have a big night tomorrow night, you need your rest. When you get up in the morning, I may be gone to the office early. YOU MUST CALL ME THE MINUTE YOU GET UP, good night Red.” As I drifted off, I think I heard him say something about a delectable evening, but I was too far gone.
    I woke up in the wee hours of the morning needing to pee badly, but Grayson was spooning me and all tucked in tight. I didn’t want to disturb him, but I had to get up. When I returned from the bathroom, he was awake and the bedside lamp was on.
    “Alexandra, are you okay?”
    “Grayson, sweetheart, chill out, I just had to pee.” Not exactly a sexy conversation to have in the middle of the night. Back in bed with him, I intended on snuggling us back to sleep, but Grayson starts kissing me again. The taste of him was so exciting that it made me hot in places I didn’t know I had. I backed up to him and could feel that he had a full erection. WOW! He was pulling my hair to the side, kissing my neck and my shoulder as he began to touch my nipples. With his fingernail, he gently drew circles around my belly button. I shivered and tingled all over! I could not resist him any longer. I knew that I needed to feel him, all of him.
    “Grayson, I want you, I can’t deny these feelings that I have for you. I am burning deep with desire. I want you to make love to me, please.”
    He took a deep breath. “You’re sure about this? It very well may be your meds talking, Alexandra.” Pausing to get his breath, “We’ll take this slow, just stop me if,”
    I cut him off, “Grayson, I don’t want to stop...hush.” I put my finger on his lips. Oh, those beautiful full lips! Yummy lips, totally better than chocolate! I

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