
Read Online Runaways by V.C. Andrews - Free Book Online

Book: Runaways by V.C. Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.C. Andrews
    â€œWe’ll meet in your room right after we clean up,” I whispered to Crystal soon after we had gotten started in the kitchen, “and I’ll explain everything.”
    She nodded, her eyes darting from the doorway to our work periodically. It wasn’t difficult to see that she was terrified.
    Gordon did appear at one point and stood in the doorway of the kitchen gaping at the four of us. Raven, the most defiant, flashed her black eyes at him and then turned her back on him. I saw his lip twitch in the right upper corner. Crystal, practically shaking in her shoes, kept her eyes down, her fingers fumbling around the hot plates carelessly until she burned the tip of her thumb. Gordon’s smile widened and then he left us.
    Raven muttered a curse under her breath.
    â€œWhat’s that, dear?” Grandma Kelly asked.
    â€œNothing,” I said quickly. “We’re just hungry and wish it was time to serve and eat,” I added.
    That started her on a story about the Lakewood House in its prime, describing how the guests appreciated the food and gorged themselves to the point of bursting.
    â€œThey usually had to take long walks after each meal. I would drive home and see the line of them along the road. Afterward, many of the guests would fall asleep in the big wooden chairs or hammocks in the shade. Everyone wanted to be sure he got his money’s worth,” she added with a laugh. Then she sighed deeply and shook her head as she gazed around the kitchen. “It was so different when Louise’s mother and father ran things. I wish you girls were here then.”
    She looked down at Butterfly, who listened to her stories as if they were fairy tales.
    â€œLook at this sweet little face,” she said and hugged her. “If I were twenty years younger, I’d adopt you myself. I’d adopt all of you,” she told us before continuing her cooking.
    We would miss her, I thought sadly. She was practically the only person we would miss. I wanted to walk up to her and hug her, too, and then say, “Good-bye, Grandma Kelly. This is the last time we’ll be in the kitchen helping you. Thanks for liking us, for caring about us, for treating us as you would treat your very own grandchildren. Now take my advice and get out of here right after we go.”
    Of course, I said nothing. We couldn’t give anything away and we didn’t want to burden her with any of our secrets. We served the meal, ate andcleaned up as quickly as we could. Megan noticed how hard we were working and remained behind to tease us.
    â€œBoy, you’re all working like little eager beavers tonight. What are you trying to do, get on Gordon’s good side?” she taunted.
    â€œHe doesn’t have a good side,” Raven quipped.
    â€œHow would you like me to tell him you said that?” Megan replied. Crystal glanced at me fearfully.
    â€œJust leave us alone, Megan,” I warned.
    She stared a moment, deciding whether or not to challenge me. She was still smarting from what we had done and from suffering room restriction for an entire weekend.
    â€œI’m watching you all,” she said. “I’ll get my chance. You can bet on that.”
    She turned and left us.
    â€œIf she ever figured out what we were planning . . .” Crystal said.
    â€œShe won’t. We’ll be long gone before she does,” I promised.
    We said good night to Grandma Kelly and just as she had a hundred times before, she thanked us for being good helpers. We quietly made our way up to our rooms along with the others who had to study for the final day of exams. The young children went to the recreation room to watch television. After we settled in, Raven and I joined Crystal and Butterfly in their room. I closed the door softly behind me. Finally, we were getting down to it. The air was so thick, I felt like I was moving through a room filled with cobwebs.
    â€œWhere are the

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