Laying Down the Law

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Book: Laying Down the Law by Laylah Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laylah Roberts
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    “Slow down,” he yelled out. “You’ll trip and fall.” She slowed, walking up the stairs.
    Moving into the bedroom she stripped off her pants and panties and throwing them in the hamper, went to stand in the corner of the bedroom closest to the open door. She thought about defying him briefly but then self-preservation kicked in. Defiance was not in her best interest at the moment and she could only hope that her obedience would help to alleviate his anger.
    Callie wasn’t sure how long she waited in the corner but sheer fatigue soon had her leaning her forehead in against the corner, her eyes drifting closed. When Tanner finally walked through the door and quietly spoke her name she jumped in fright.
    “Callie? You okay?” Concern colored his voice and she risked a look over her his voice and she risked a look over her shoulder to see him frowning.
    “I’m fine,” she cleared her croaky voice quietly. “Just tired.”
    “I’m not surprised.” She could easily hear the disapproval in his voice. “Come here please.”
    Callie turned, coming to stand before him. He reached out and touched her cheek gently. “How does your cheek feel?” he asked.
    “It’s fine.” It throbbed slightly, but he didn’t have to know that.
    “Do you need some painkillers?” Callie shook her head. “I took some thirty minutes ago.”
    “Good, let me know when you need some more.” He sat on the bed and drew her to sit on his lap.

    “Callie, did you not listen to a thing the doctor told us this morning?” His voice was no longer angry, but the disappointment and concern was actually worse and Callie squirmed uncomfortably, feeling very much like a naughty child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
    “I did.”
    “Then why the hell did I find you working when I told you to rest, and even worse you were lifting a heavy dog when the doctor specifically told you not too! Do I have to lock you in your room and tie you to the bed to get you to rest, Callie? Because I will if I have to, I will do anything that needs to be done to get you healthy.”
    “I don’t need you to take care of me, Tanner!” She didn’t want to be an obligation or a burden. She wanted to be his partner. She wanted Tanner in her life. But not if he saw her wanted Tanner in her life. But not if he saw her as someone he had to look after, boss around.
    “Well, obviously you do, since you cannot even follow some simple instructions.” His voice didn’t rise, but she felt him tense beneath her. However, Callie had had a whole afternoon to stew and her temper was reignited.
    “I have a business to run, Tanner. I can’t just drop everything and take to my bed. This is my life; it’s my business that is going down the drain!”
    She went to jump off his lap, but as always he was one step ahead of her. As she rose he grabbed her arm, and turning her, spanked her three times.
    “Listen to me. I’m not going to spank you tonight, Callie—”

    “Then what was that?” she cried.
    “That was to get your attention. You’re injured, your cheek has to be hurting, no matter what you say. And I am not about to spank you when you’re hurt.” His look of concern threw buckets of water on her temper and she relaxed slightly.
    “I want you to sleep, Callie. Really sleep.
    I’m going to get you some of your sleeping pills while you get ready for bed.” She slowly got ready for bed, feeling a bit lost. When Tanner returned, she was lying on her side, staring into space. Tanner sat beside her, helping her sit so she could swallow the tablets. Then he helped her back down, tucking her in.
    “I’m going to spend the night on your couch, all right? Just to make sure you sleep okay.” He ran his hand over her hair, massaging her head lightly.

    massaging her head lightly.
    “But the couch is so short and lumpy.
    Why don’t you sleep here and I will-” She made to get up but he pushed her back down gently. “No you

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