Runaway Bride

Read Online Runaway Bride by Rita Hestand - Free Book Online

Book: Runaway Bride by Rita Hestand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Hestand
Tags: Romance, Law, love, runaway bride, wedding, bride, runaway, church, groom, rita hestand
reasonable. She had to remember Chad.
    But a soft knock at the door brought
her up again. "Yes?"
    "I never thought to ask, but is there
anyone you need to call?" He asked as she cracked the door and
looked at him.
    He had unbuttoned his shirt a little
and looked as though he'd been about to get ready for bed
    "I can do it tomorrow."
    "Yeah, right, well, goodnight again,"
he said his eyes traveling her slowly.
    "Goodnight, Sheriff." she said with a
smile and closed the door.
    She leaned against it, closed her eyes
and imagined all the things a girl shouldn't imagine when she's
stranded with a hellova good looking man. She doubted she'd sleep

    The next morning a car was parked out
front, Mrs. Johnson, his housekeeper was there, but the Sheriff was
gone. Savannah dressed in his sister's clothes again and rushed out
and into the kitchen.
    "I'm sorry, I overslept, I guess. Has
the Sheriff left?"
    "Yes, he said something about your car
being towed. Said he'd be back directly. I'm Mrs. Johnson, you must
be ..."
    "Savannah Kingsley," she smiled at the
older lady. She was tall, and thin, and in her late fifties or
sixties. Attractive though for her age, Savannah
    "What a pretty name." The way she was
smiling made Savannah wonder what was going on, but she said
nothing. "Are you by any chance kin to Lucy Kingsley?"
    "Why yes, I am. She's my
    "Your aunt, well, I swan, if that don't
beat all. She'll be so sorry she missed you. She hasn't had a
relative visit in so long; she might faint from the shock of it.
She often talks about her sister's family."
    "Well, that's odd, since my parents
haven't spoken to her in years. It happened long ago. I don't even
think Mother remembers why."
    "Oh, that's a shame, a real shame.
That's so sad. Families shouldn't be that way. Life's too
    "Yes, you are so right... Aunt Lucy had
always been so kind to me. She's the first person I thought about
when I left home."
    When Mrs. Johnson went back to work,
Savannah felt she had to keep the conversation flowing.
    "I had car trouble out on the highway
yesterday. My clothes were a mess and I didn't have a place to
stay, so the Sheriff ..."
    "You don't have to explain to me, dear.
I figured as much. Ben hasn't entertained a girl here in quite some
time. No—that isn't right either. He's never entertained anyone but
his family here."
    "Really, why not?" It just shot out of
her mouth and she could have killed herself for it, but it was too
late, the damage was done.
    "I don't really know for certain." The
woman glanced at her again and smiled. "Lots of young girls in
these parts have been interested, but Ben just doesn't respond to
them for some reason. I suspect he's looking for something very
special in a lady." Mrs. Johnson said and shook her head. "Are—are
you married Ms. Kingsley?"
    "No, not me. I've just been stranded
here, that's all," she explained. "I'll be on my way as soon as my
car is fixed. I'll probably stay with my aunt for a while,
    "A photographer, are you?" Mrs. Johnson
nodded toward her camera equipment in the corner of the
    ", not really. I do a little
magazine work on occasions. It's something I've always been
interested in."
    "How exciting. What do you
    "Animals mostly," she sighed. "Nature
scenes. Anything that I find amusing."
    "Must be an exciting job." Mrs. Johnson
proceeded to peel some potatoes.
    "Well, it could take me places, that's
for sure." Her one and only photography job and been during her
last vacation in Kenya. The magazine she had sent them to loved
them and published them. Pursuing it was her dream, but her parents
balked at the idea, telling her she didn't need a job that could
take her away from her husband and family. That was two years
    Mrs. Johnson set breakfast on the
kitchen table, then put an ironing board in one corner and began
pressing Ben's uniform shirts. She worked steadily with some
satisfaction in what she

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