Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2

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Book: Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2 by Ian Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Todd
Tags: NEU
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tae we see whit the hell’s gaun oan.  Hiv Ah made masel clear?  This is oor number wan priority the day.”
      “Nae bother, Colin.”
      “And keep it low profile.  Don’t fuck up noo.  Ah don’t want tae come face-tae-face wae a greeting maw oan the front page ae The Glesga Echo in the morning, saying that wan ae the local polis done in her manky-arsed wee angel,” growled The Chief.
      “Greeting maws?  Well, Ah widnae haud yer breath there, sir.  That bunch ae hairys ur furever bloody greeting…especially that Taylor bitch, up there in Montrose Street.”
      “Sammy Elliot, The Rat, takes a pride in being a right shite-hoose.  He’d dig up his ain granny if it wid get him a few lines in the paper,” Colin said, pressing upon The Sarge the importance ae nipping this situation in the bud.
      “Don’t ye worry, sir…or you, Colin…we’ll hiv they wee ragged-arsed toe-rags in protective custody by tea-time, so we will.”

    Chapter Seven
      “Hellorerr, boys.  We need tae hiv a wee chat…somewhere a lot less public.  How aboot in the back seat ae ma Jag?” Shaun Murphy growled, using that thumb ae his tae point back o’er his shoulders.
      “Whit aboot, Shaun?” Tony asked, voice quivering slightly.
      “Ah think that’s obvious.”
      “We’re no gaun anywhere wae youse.”
      “Tony, don’t be like that noo.  We’re no gonnae hurt ye.”
      “If ye want tae talk, talk here.  There’s three ae us.  Ye’ll need tae haud us doon and drag us tae that fucking car, screaming and shouting.  Ah don’t know if that wid be a good idea wae aw they bizzies jist alang the street.”
      Nowan moved or said a word.  Johnboy could see Shaun’s brain whirring roond behind they evil eyes ae his.
      “Ah don’t know whit ye think we’re efter.  We’re no gonnae hurt youse, honest.”
      “Shaun, we don’t want any trouble.  We’ve done fuck aw.  We’re jist trying tae find oot whit’s happened tae oor cabin and tae Skull.”
      “Well, it hid nothing tae dae wae us,” Shaun claimed, clocking the disbelief oan the coupons ae The Mankys. “Look, the bizzies ur gonnae be crawling aw o’er the fucking place, so they ur.  Ah don’t know whit the fuck youse hiv been up tae, bit we don’t want tae be involved.  Ah’ve telt ye, the fire in the cabin hid fuck aw tae dae wae us.”
      “We paid ye the cash in good faith yesterday.  Then the cabin gets burnt doon the same night?”
      “We only heard this morning.  We also heard that that wee pal ae yours wis kipping in the place when it went up.”
      “So, he didnae manage tae get oot then?” Johnboy blurted oot, speaking fur the first time.
      “We don’t think so.  Ah spoke tae wan ae the firemen that Ah know and he telt me that they’d come across a body that looked like a young boy.  He also said there wis a deid dug in there as well.  The only thing that hidnae been toasted wis a Celtic tammy that they found.”
      Nowan spoke fur a long hauf minute efter Shaun said that.  Thirty seconds disnae sound long, bit fur the boys who wur staunin in a closemooth, wae nae escape route, wae the people they believed hid done away wae their pal, it wis a lifetime.  They jist stared at Shaun.  Johnboy could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.
      “We’ve no done a fucking thing, Shaun,” Tony repeated, face as white as a sheet.
      “Ah’m no saying ye hiv, bit we’ve goat a wee problem here that might be connected.”
      “Like whit?”
      “Some eejit or eejits tanned oor loft.”
      “Well, it wisnae us.”
      “Ah’m no saying it wis youse.  We’ve goat a good enough idea ae who done it and we’re working oan that.  Bit we hid fuck aw tae dae wae burning doon that cabin.”
      “So who did then?”
      “It’s early days, bit we think they’re connected.  When the loft goat tanned, we assumed it wis youse, bit we found a connection tae some other sticky-fingered

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