Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2

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Book: Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2 by Ian Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Todd
Tags: NEU
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      “Like who?”
      “We’re dealing wae that.”
      “Ye jist told us there’s a connection.”
      “Aye, well, we think there’s a set-up gaun oan here.  First, oor loft is tanned and we lose maist ae oor doos and then the cabin gets burned doon.  If we know we didnae dae the cabin and youse know ye didnae tan the loft, then whit dis that mean?  We think there’s a set-up being played oot here and the basturts who did baith jobs ur using this as a smokescreen tae stay oot ae the way.”
      “So, whit dae ye want fae us?”
      “The only issue we hiv is when the bizzies speak tae youse aboot ownership ae the cabin.”
      “Whit dae ye mean?”
      “As far as we’re concerned, we know youse ur aw keen oan fleeing the doos.  The cabin wis surplus tae oor requirements and rather than sell it aff tae oor competitors, we decided tae gie it tae youse as a freebie, tae get youse started.”
      “And that’s whit youse hiv tae stick tae, whitever else ye hear.  If it gets oot that youse wur tanning places tae get the money tae us fur the dookit, then it means we’re involved.”
      “Bit we gied ye cash.  Whit’s that tae dae wae youse?” Joe asked, butting in.
      “Ye supplied the trannys…remember?” Danny said fae behind them.
      “So, they think ye used a haungun tae tan in the shoap windaes before haunin them o’er tae us.  That puts us in an awkward situation, given that we’ve goat oor ain problems wae the bizzies.”
      “We never used a haungun.”
      “Well, whitever.  The main thing is, there needs tae be clear water between youse and us oan aw this.  In the meantime, we’re gonnae track doon who the fuck ransacked oor loft and fucked aff wae aw oor good doos.”
      “So, youse gied us the loft fur free?”
      “Fine wae us,” Tony said, shrugging, no taking his eyes aff the scar-faced bear in front ae him.
      “Right, let’s go,” Shaun said suddenly, nodding tae his brothers, who brushed past them, heiding fur the front ae the closemooth.  “By the way, Ah’m sorry aboot yer wee pal,” Shaun said turning, before disappearing.
      “Whit dae ye think?” Joe asked Tony, efter the Murphys hid disappeared.
      “If we know we tanned their dookit and they know they toasted oor cabin, whit dis that mean?  It means they’re still up tae nae good and they’ll try and get us tae let oor guard doon.  Ah don’t believe a bloody word that comes oot ae they pricks’ mooths.  We’ll need tae be extra careful and watch oot whit we’re daeing.  Ah think they’ll still try tae nab us, the first chance they get.”
      “So, whit dae we dae noo then?” Johnboy asked, feeling his shite glands starting tae jingle jangle.
      “Heid intae the toon centre tae gie us time tae think.”

    Chapter Eight
      “That’s quite an allegation, Sammy,” Tom Bryce, sub-editor ae the crime desk at The Glesga Echo said, swinging back and forth oan the two back legs ae his chair, his feet up oan his desk. 
      His day hid been gaun quite well up until noo, he thought tae himsel, as he looked across the tap ae his desk at the skinny wee dishevelled man, staunin in front ae him, who passed as the tap investigative crime journalist at the paper.
      “Ah’ve goat it oan good authority,” squeaked Sammy Elliot, well-known in the city by aw and sundry as The Rat.
      “Ah jist find it hard tae believe, plus the shite that’ll hit us if we get it wrang will be by the bucket loads.  Ah jist don’t know.”
      “Hiv Ah no come up wae the goods o’er the last year?”
      “Aye, bit this is different.”
      “Whit’s so different aboot this then?”
      “Whit ye’re coming oot wae is conspiracy and possibly the murder ae some wee street urchin by the city’s finest.  It’s a wee bit different fae catching the heid ae The Corporation’s cleansing department perching oan the wife ae a cooncillor,

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