Rule's Bride

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Book: Rule's Bride by Kat Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Martin
introduced to the group, all of them were friendly, yet the women’s attention remained focused on the newest member of the Dewar family.
    â€œIt’s wonderful to meet you at last,” the duchess said graciously. “Though I am still coming to grips with the notion that Rule has finally taken a wife. We were afraid he would remain a bachelor for the rest of his life.”
    Violet managed a smile. “Actually, he has been married for the past three years.”
    â€œSo we gathered,” Elizabeth said darkly. Rule had said she preferred not to use the title she retained as her former husband’s widow, insisting Violet address her merely as Elizabeth or Beth. “Rule should have told us, of course, but he has always been a man of surprises.” She flicked him a reproving glance.
    Clearly the Dewar women spoke their minds, which Violet found strangely comforting.
    Lily asked about her sea voyage, and Caroline asked the two women about their children—the nieces and nephews Rule proudly claimed.
    â€œThey are growing up far too quickly,” Elizabeth said. “My son Jared will soon be thirteen and off to boarding school. Fortunately, his younger brother, Marcus, will be home, keeping me busy for a few more years.” She laughed. “He has always been more of a handful than his brother.”
    â€œGirls are just as bad,” Lily said with a smile. “Marybeth can’t sit still for a minute.”
    â€œI’m afraid I wasn’t the easiest child to raise,” Caroline put in. “According to my mother, I got into everything I could get my hands on. And Violet was quite the tomboy, being raised by her father.”
    Violet flushed. She wished her cousin would simplykeep silent. These women were English aristocrats. In their eyes, behaving like a boy was probably quite shocking.
    â€œAt least your Alex is always well behaved,” Elizabeth said of the duke’s son and heir.
    Lily laughed, a sound that rang like fine crystal. “Not always, I promise you.” She smiled kindly at Violet. “Still, they are worth every moment of trouble. You will see once you have a child of your own.”
    Violet made no reply. If she had a child it would not be Rule’s, but Jeffrey’s.
    â€œOnce you are settled,” Elizabeth said, “we shall have a ball to properly announce your marriage. Lily and I will make all the arrangements.”
    Violet’s heart sank. She wished Rule had told them the truth. “I appreciate that, truly I do, but I think you should know that Rule and I may not be—”
    â€œIt’s getting late,” her soon-to-be-former husband interrupted before she could tell them that in thirty days, the two of them would be dissolving the marriage. “We had better be going. You’ll have plenty of time to talk once we get to the ball.”
    As the women collected their reticules, straightened their voluminous skirts, collected their wraps and walked beside their husbands toward the door, Rule leaned close and whispered in her ear.
    â€œYou promised to give me thirty days. During that time, I expect you to behave as my wife. If things don’t work out, we can inform my family then.”
    It wasn’t an unfair request. Besides, whatever consequences he and his family might suffer wouldn’t matter, since she would be on her way home to Boston.
    â€œAre we agreed?” he pressed.
    â€œAs you wish.”
    Rule seemed relieved. They went out to the carriages, which were parked in a row out front. His brothers and their wives would be following in their own vehicles. Caroline traveled with Lily and Royal, excited to be riding in the magnificent, gilded, four-horse ducal coach.
    Rule assisted Violet into his elegant black carriage and followed her inside. Instead of taking a seat across from her, he settled himself beside her, his wide shoulders brushing against her, sending a little curl of heat into

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