A Log Cabin Christmas

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Book: A Log Cabin Christmas by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Maddie could explain, Sophie tugged on her father’s arm. “Papa, Papa.”
    Griffin glanced down at his daughter, impatience written all over his face. “What is it, child?”
    “You won’t believe what happened.” Showing no sign of being put off by her father’s sharp voice, Sophie talked so fast her tongue practically tripped over itself. “We got the door closed before the bear came in—”
    Griffin’s eyes widened. “Bear? What bear?”
    “And Jimmy found a cellar full of food and …” On and on she went. “We decorated the Christmas tree, and Brandon talked and …”
    Griffin placed his hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “What’s that you said? Brandon talked?” Sophie nodded, and all three school-board members turned to the small boy standing by Maddie’s side.
    Griffin bent at the waist, his nose practically touching Brandon’s. “If that’s true, let me hear you say something.”
    “Let’s go home!” Brandon yelled.
    Startled, Griffin practically fell backward, and everyone laughed.
    “I didn’t think you’d get through so fast,” Donovan said.
    Jake Penman tossed a nod in the direction of the road hidden by the trees. “We hitched a mule team to some logs and plowed through.”
    “There’s a wagon waiting to take us home,” Griffin added. “But we have to walk back to the road.”
    “Couldn’t git any closer,” Chuck Walters grumbled, blowing on his hands.
    Griffin glanced at Maddie. “It appears that everything turned out”—he cleared his throat as if it pained him to say it—“turned out just fine.”
    “I say we stop jawing and head for home,” Penman said. “The missus is roasting a duck, and I ain’t wantin’ to be late for dinner.”
    “Wait,” Sophie said with a worried frown. “We can’t go. The fire is still burning, and rule number four says that we can’t leave school until the fire is out.”
    “Tell you what,” Donovan said. “You go on ahead. Miss Parker and I have some unfinished business to attend to. We’ll catch up with you shortly.”
    “Very well,” Griffin said, nodding. “You two put out the fire, and we’ll meet you on the road.”
    “We’ll do our best,” Donovan assured him, his solemn voice belying the mischievous glint in his eyes. It was all Maddie could do to keep from laughing out loud.
    Apparently satisfied that everything was under control, Griffin turned. “Come along, Sophie.”
    The other two board members followed behind with Jimmy and Brandon in tow.
    Wasting not a single moment, Donovan quickly led Maddie back to the cabin—and into the warm circle of his arms.

    From Miss Stephen’s class of 1886
    Today we got a new teacher on account of our old teacher Miss Parker breaking the rules and getting married. She didn’t have to go to jail or anything because she married Sheriff Donovan. She just has to clean his house.
Sophie, age 11

The Christmas Secret

    by Wanda E. Brunstetter

    To Phil and Diane Allen, our special Pennsylvania friends. We feel blessed to have met you. Thanks for all you do!
    Trust in the
with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding

Chapter 1
    Allentown, Pennsylvania
    F eeling the need for a bit of fresh air, Elizabeth Canning opened her bedroom window and drew in a deep breath, inhaling the earthy, leaf-scented fragrance that she knew even with her eyes closed was like no other season but autumn.
    When a chilling wind blew in, rustling the lace curtains and causing her to shiver, she quickly shut the window. It was too cold for the first of November. Did the nippy weather mean they were in for a harsh winter this year, or would they be spared and have only a few bitterly cold days? Whatever the case, she hoped they’d have snow for Christmas. God’s sparkling white crystals always added a little something extra to the beauty and atmosphere of the holiday season.
    Through the closed window, Elizabeth heard geese honking in

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