
Read Online Rule by Alaska Angelini - Free Book Online

Book: Rule by Alaska Angelini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alaska Angelini
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vain. And so had everyone else who had, or was currently serving.
    Marko came to an abrupt stop, spinning in a circle. I lowered even more, watching as he growled and slammed his palm into the brick building he was standing next to. His anger was my pleasure.
    “Keep walking, motherfucker.” I gripped to the brick and froze as Marko’s head lifted. He appeared to be taking deep breaths. I pulled back, looking down at my blood-covered chest. Fuck! He could probably smell me. Or Sayer.
    I grabbed the hoodie, squatting as I jerked it over my head. It wouldn’t do much for covering the scent, but it was better than nothing.
    Slowly, I rose, feeling my blood turn cold. I lifted even more, jerking my gaze from one end of the street to the other. He was gone. I hated not knowing which way he’d gone. Was he at the fire escape? Had he found me?
    The panic had me rushing over there as quietly as I could. The closer I got to the metal ladder, the faster my pulse increased. I stopped at the edge, listening. Voices brought my lids down. I knew, being on the fourth floor, my hearing shouldn’t have been as clear as it was, but it was another gift.
    “He has to be here somewhere,” Marko growled. “He couldn’t have just disappeared into thin air. He’s a fucking human.”
    “With Sayer’s blood,” Bufar added. 
    “Not for long. He’ll be bled out completely by the time I get done with him. Hunter’s going to wish for the day he never crossed my path. He’ll pay for what he did to Tessa. I’m going to…” Marko’s voice trailed off while I waited. Nausea twisted my stomach at hearing her name come out of his mouth. She’d always been mine, but not anymore. Tessa was Marko’s, and had died ready to bond herself to him forever. Him, not me .
    A bang in the distance had me tensing. Footsteps scattered from the alley, moving back toward the main road. I lifted enough to see them pause as they glanced to where a man was loading his car.
    “Let’s go look down here,” Marko said, moving further away.
    I lowered, leaning back against the building. My heart was still racing. I knew if I had to go against Marko right now, I’d lose. Paired with Bufar, I was goner for sure. It was time I armed myself and got within protected walls. Fort Hood was waiting, and come morning, I’d be on my way.

    Chapter 8
    If it weren’t for the sun, I would have never of given up my search for Hunter. Every night we came closer and this time I had almost had him. It wouldn’t be long now. To see the strength and speed I had only heard about from my vampires was shocking. Their memories hadn’t been enough. Sure, I could see his rage through their eyes as he destroyed them with his bare hands, but for him to run from me … and escape. There were no words for that. 
    I collapsed to my bed, rubbing my hand down my face from the exhaustion plaguing me. The anger was taking its toll. As was the lack of sleep. Even when I was unconscious, I never truly rested. Tessa haunted my dreams. Last nights had been the most real, by far.
    My fingers came up to my lips, tracing over the surface. I could almost still feel her kissing me. It had been so tangible. The moment I opened my eyes and saw her slightly glowing form, I could have sworn she was really there. One minute she was before me, the next, gone. With one blink, she had disappeared. For hours I had laid there trying to decide if what I saw was real. And I felt as though it was, but that only meant one thing. I didn’t discount ghosts. They were energy, as were our gifts, but I wasn’t sure that’s what I had seen. Then again … perhaps she was still with me in some spirit form.
    I sighed, stripping down, and headed for the shower. Throughout the whole routine, I kept seeing her—long, flowing hair, white nightgown, pale skin. Yes, she’d been so pale. Almost sickly looking now that I thought about it. The realization was enough to have my brow furrowing. If she was a

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