Rotting to the Core (Keep Your Crowbar Handy Book 2)
response, Kat began doing
something quite distracting with her hand. Jake closed his eyes and
engaged in a conscious effort to calm down. He was certain if he
didn't, with a hungry corpse almost close enough to spit at and
Kat's touch working on him like a Viagra cocktail, his heart was
going to explode like the head of that guy in Scanners. He
couldn't actually move away either because, again, zombie nearby,
and he damn sure didn't want to make any noise. So he kept still
and suffered in silence.
    Suffered. Yeah, right. Jake's
back-brain laughed, before noting for the thousandth or so time how
Kat reminded him of Lzzy Hale, the lead singer and guitarist of
Halestorm. But with short, blue hair. And a weakness for all things
Hello Kitty. He'd always had a thing for Lzzy Hale.
    He took a good, long look at the woman above
him and shivered. Whether in pleasure or fear, he couldn't tell.
While yes, on a scale of one to ten Kat was a solid thirteen, Jake
honestly thought she was more than a bit insane. The expression on
her face was decidedly lustful however, as she slid lower and moved
her hand against him, staring all the while at the zombie just
beyond the tailgate. Her lips parted and her cheeks flushed in
anticipation of... Sex? Violence? Both? Jake wasn't sure. Even more
disturbing, while he had been a ghostwriter before the dead began
walking, he didn't have words to express how much he wanted her at
that moment. Thoughts of puppies, baseball, and apple pie weren't
cutting it in the slightest. Even worse, his body had turned
traitor on him, betraying his thoughts via a hormone-driven
physical reaction.
    Kat knew it too. Her eyes were hooded as she
watched the unsuspecting creature just feet away and her hand
gripped Jake firmly. There was unquestionably chemistry between
them, and chances like this came along once in a blue moon. She
focused on the sensation of his upper torso pressed against her
breasts, the feel of him in her hand, the smell of his messy hair
as they lay barely hidden from the hungry corpse. Focusing on these
things, Kat slowly reached back to her right boot where she pulled
the long knife she kept sheathed there. If the zombie bent down it
would see them, momentarily at least. Then she'd have that blade in
the thing's brain by way of its nearest eye, if only for
interrupting some truly epic heavy petting.
    To Jake's relief, the zombie finally stopped
banging itself against their box-truck and staggered towards the
Charger. Moments later, the creature was lost in the crowd of its
smelly brethren. Kat managed to keep from pouting and, after giving
Jake a final squeeze that drew a hissing breath from his lips,
nodded towards the opposite side of the box truck. She made darned
sure to brush a line of skin down her torso, and the inside of one
leather-covered thigh, lightly against Jake's cheek as she did so.
After taking a deep breath and getting his pulse under control
again, he followed her from under the truck.
    “What the hell, Kat?” Jake demanded quietly,
pressing his back against the side of the truck.
    Cho gave him a questioning shrug.
    Exasperated, Jake turned away and adjusted
his pants. “It's a good thing we didn't have to run! I wouldn't be
able to!”
    “Hey, kept you from freaking about the
zombie, right?” Kat asked, making her knife disappear and drawing
her sword.
    “There are better ways, dammit!” He hissed as
they began moving from car to car again.
    Kat sniffed. “Not as much fun though.”
    Jake attempted to come up with a suitable
reply as they scurried across the street and vaulted a privacy
fence surrounding the nearest house, but found he was at a loss for
words. That seemed to happen to him a lot when Kat was nearby.
“Alright, but next time? Just massage my temples or something.
    “Tell me that wasn't fun,” Kat replied, and
raised one eyebrow with a naughty grin. “I mean, it was pretty
obvious. What with—”
    “We're not having that conversation,”

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