Forever and Always

Read Online Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed - Free Book Online

Book: Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Hollowed
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comfortable with. I just want to be with you, to spend time with you. That’s all, I promise”.
    Melanie smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.
    “Thanks Sam” she smiled shyly. “I like spending time with you too. I just need a little time”.
    They stayed in the water for about an hour, swimming and joking about. Sam regularly wrapped Melanie his is arms and kissed her but never tried to take it any further.
    When they finished swimming they lay on their towels and allowed the sun to dry them.
    “You know I watched you swim every morning” Sam whispered as they lay side beside in the sand. Melanie was lying on her back. Sam was on his side with his head propped up on his hand watching Melanie.
    “Did you now” Melanie replied with a shy smile.
    “And I watched you sitting in the sand staring off into nothing” he continued as he brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. “All week I just wanted to hold you and make everything better”.
    Melanie didn’t reply. She didn’t know what to say. That was probably the most touching thing anyone had ever said to her.
    “Can I ask you something” Sam asked nervously.
    “Sure” Melanie replied sounding a little more at ease then she felt. What was he going to ask her?
    “When I watched you sitting there in the sand” he began softly tracing his finger up and down her arm. “You seemed so sad. And every so often you got this look of...I don’t know...a look like your heart had been broken. So I guess what I am asking is, is there someone at home waiting for you. Waiting to fix things between you?”
    Melanie sat up and rested her chin on her knees and stared quietly out over the sea. Did she feel comfortable enough with Sam to tell him about her Dad? Sam sat up next to her still watching her trying to read her face.
    “No Sam, there isn’t anyone waiting for me when I go home” she replied. “But yes my heart was broken but it wasn’t broken by a boy. I mean there was this guy but he was an idiot and it took me awhile to figure that out but I did...but... ”.
    She stopped for a moment as the memories of everything that had happened with her Dad ran quickly through her head. Her heart raced as she thought about how he had looked at her the night he threw Mike out of his house. She remembered his words and how they had been like a knife through her heart. And finally she remembered the slap. Instinctively she reached for her face where he had stuck her and a sudden sob escaped from deep inside her.
    “Hey...Shush” Sam said pulling her into his arms. “I am sorry Melanie. I didn’t mean to upset you. It really doesn’t matter, honestly”.
    “It was my Dad” she whispered as he buried her face in his chest and sobbed. When she finally stopped crying she told him about the night her Dad and Grace came home early and found her with Mike. She told him about her argument with her Dad the following night too and about how he slapped her. And she told him about why what he had said hurt her so bad. About what she had heard her grandmother saying all those years ago. She had never told anyone that before but for some reason he felt she could tell him anything.
    He listened to every word she had to say, all the time his arms around her, gently rubbing her back. She felt so safe and secure with him. When she had finished her story they sat there on the beach, Melanie wrapped in Sam’s arms, in comfortable silence for what seemed like forever.
    Finally it was Melanie who broke the silence.
    “I should really be getting back to the house” Melanie said reluctantly pulling out of his embrace. “Maggie will have my breakfast ready and she will be wondering where I have gotten too”.
    “OK” he said quickly standing up and help Melanie up on her feet.
    “You don’t fancy some breakfast do you?” Melanie asked as they walk back towards the house.
    “I would love some” he said with a bright smile looking somehow younger than he had before.  Melanie

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