Forever and Always

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Book: Forever and Always by Beverley Hollowed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Hollowed
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couldn’t help but return his smile.
    When they got back to the house Maggie was cooking up a storm. She smiled when she saw Sam walking into the house with Melanie.
    Maggie put two breakfasts down in front of Sam and Melanie. Melanie poured Sam some Orange juice and then a cup of coffee for Sam and Maggie and a glass of milk for herself. Sam looked at her inquiringly. “I don’t like tea or coffee” she explained and he smiled.
    “Have a good swim?” Maggie asked as she sat down with them at the table.
    “Yeah it was great” Melanie replied unable to hide her big smile. She glanced at Sam who was grinning back at her. Maggie couldn’t help but to smile too.
    “Oh I almost forgot” Maggie said suddenly. “Your Dad called last night. He wants you to call him back”.
    Melanie shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She quickly glanced at Sam sideways and he seemed to be frozen to the spot, his fork stopped halfway between his plate and his mouth.
    “Ok” was all Melanie said before returning to her food. She just shoved it around her plate her appetite suddenly gone. An awkward silence fell over the three of them.
    Sam reached over and softly squeezed Melanie hand. Melanie looked up at him and smiled warmly at him.
    Twenty minutes later Sam was leaving to go home and get changed. He and Melanie were going to go off exploring again today. She walked him out to the front porch.
    “Thanks for breakfast” he said pulling her into his arms.
    “Thanks for being you” she replied and kissed him softly on the lips. He returned her kiss but when they parted there was a strange look on his face.
    “What’s wrong” Melanie asked worried by the serious look.
    “’’s nothing” he replied and shook his head.
    “No it’s not nothing ” Melanie replied her heart racing a little faster in her chest. She didn’t know what he was going to say.
    “I just think that maybe you should ring your Dad” Sam said nervously, gazing into her eyes unsure if he was speaking out of turn. “I know it’s none of my business but sometimes you seem so sad. And I don’t like to think of you being upset about anything. I know your Dad hurt you Melanie. And I completely understand why. But I think you love your Dad and I am pretty sure he probably loves you too, how could he not. But not talking to him is just hurting you more”.
    “Sam” she replied suddenly unable to look at him. “I love my Dad more than anything in the world but I just don’t know what to say to him”.
    “Maybe you should just tell him, tell him that you love him” he said softly and smiled. “Everyone likes to be told they are loved”.
    “I’ll think about it” she replied and kissed him softly. “I promise”.
    Melanie went to get ready for her date with Sam. She showered quickly. She put on pretty cream three quarter length trousers and a pretty floral halter neck top. She slipped into her powder pink dolly shoes.
    She quickly ran a comb through her hair, splitting it into a side part and sweeping it across her forehead and securing it with a clip. She gathered the rest of her hair and wound it tightly in a bun on the back of her head. She put on some lip gloss. She didn’t really like make up and with her tan she didn’t really need anything more than the lip gloss.
    She looked at her reflection in the full length mirror that was on the back of her closet door. She was happy with her appearance. Then she spotted her mobile on her night stand over her shoulder in the mirror.
    She sighed deeply and walked over to pick it up and sank onto her bed. She opened her Father’s text again and hit reply. She sat for a few moments staring at the phone wondering what she should say. Final her finger began to move and she began to type.
    “I am fine, please don’t worry, I just need time... M x”
    Quickly before she could change her mind she pressed send. It was still early back in Ireland so she didn’t expect a reply straight away but

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