Rose: Briar's Thorn

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Book: Rose: Briar's Thorn by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
Tags: Fantasy
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confidently and all the men's weapons swung up from the ready position to point at her, but she didn't stop.  She instead stopped in front of Pike and snatched the papers from him.  She started to read as she asked without even looking at the man, “HER name is Rose.  On what charges, under who's authority.  Your cover is Department of Agriculture isn't it Pike?  She isn't a plant jackass.”
    I was impressed, she seemed to have no fear of the weapons.  I knew she could be harmed by them, badly.  But they couldn't kill her.  A wolf or beheading is the only way to kill a Red Hood.
    He smirked,. “The charge is killing feral wolves without a Wolf Hunter license.  Which we all know is a federal offense.  She can't claim self-defense since she walked into the masses herself.”  He looked smug.  “And it is by the authority of the Congressional Subcommittee in Charge of Lupine Defense.  The CSCLD does not take transgressions like this lightly.  We have volunteered to put this... thing into custody.”
    I started rising up on black viney legs but Ella placed a hand on me and I held still.  Parker cleared her throat.  Then said in a small voice as she held her phone forward, “Ummm... excuse me.  But our attorney, Helena Calliwel is on speakerphone with a federal judge for you Agent Pike.
    It was funny really, even in my time, barristers and shysters had the same effect on the authorities.  All of the armed men hesitated and looked around, not lowering their weapons.  Pike seemed to get angrier, if possible.
    Helena's sweet voice chimed out, “Hello Agent Pike.”  When he didn't respond, she continued.  “I have Judge Kanura Kimatomi on the line with us.  I'm sure you are well acquainted with her.”
    An older voice chimed out, “Hello Pike.  Up to your old games again I see?  Can't get your subject your way, so you use a parking ticket instead.  Very Al Capone of you.”  The woman chuckled.
    Then she went on. “Helena had asked me to keep an eye on Seattle for a few weeks, thinking something like this may occur.  I have already reviewed the warrant which judge Williams authorized but have deemed it invalid as he was issuing it under the false presumption you had given him, that Miss Rose Smith as you have named her, does not have a Wolf Hunter license.”
    He started, “I know as a fact that...”
    She interrupted him. “Helena has provided me with a sworn affidavit from one Gretta Snow, who has special discompensation as a Wolf Hunter Recovery Specialist.  It states that she can speak with her using her innate magic and had deputized her months ago.  Which she is allowed under subsection twelve of the Lupine Defense Directive.  Such a deputization would be in effect for six lunar cycles.”
    Pike hissed out as he pointed at me, “That's bullshit!  These things can't talk to each other psychically!”
    Ella gave a toothy grin.  “Ah bollocks you bloody wanker watch this.”  She looked at me, winked, then asked, “What color are we thinkin' of love?”
    I blinked at her, how the hell would I know?  I decided she really was off the deep end like me.  I shrugged and half said, half asked, as I looked at Mari's flowing cloak, “Red?”
    Ella looked at the other women who were all grinning like idiots and replying, “Red.” As she looked at each of them.  Daria barked once as if she were replying too.  Then Ella gave a goofy grin and said, “Amazing!  We were thinking red!  There you have it, governor, we're all psychic and shite.”   I grinned, realizing just how full of that same shite Ella was.  Crazy, waszy, loopy, insane...  unhinged.  I liked her.  I choked back a bout of laughter that tottered on the brink of sanity.
    Pike sputtered out, “Oh come on Judge, you can't possibly believe that load of...”
    Kimatomi cut him off. “Whether or not I believe it is irrelevant as there is no way for us to either prove nor disprove it.  We have to operate by the rule of

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