Rose: Briar's Thorn

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Book: Rose: Briar's Thorn by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
Tags: Fantasy
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beam a smile that was like a gift of sunlight at us.  You wanted to bow down in that light and let it wash away the evil inside you.
    I went back to my discussion with Daria when I felt movement in the world.  It wasn't dark magics, but it wasn't exactly not dark magic either.  Like something in between, I knew the taste of it and it was bitter like lemons on the tongue.  The Scales were indeed in movement again.  Traveling fast somewhere far from this place.  I got nauseous for a second, wherever they were, the evil amassing was close to them.  Moving as if toward a common goal.
    Then I got it, the evil had a target which the Scales did not approve of and were moving to intercede to keep the balance in check.  I really hated them, they preached this 'balance' as a religion all the time, yet for the millions of people cursed with the lycan contagion, the witches, druids, and Alphas threatening.  The other hidden evils I could feel, they deemed only to have four Avatars to bring balance.  How was that even remotely equal?  It took our very lives from us, and we can never rest since we are always outnumbered.  That is not balance!
    I was never meant to see through their cloaking magics, but since the blackness is an actual part of me, I could always see them for who and what they are.  I could seek them out, which they hated because I can feel the half of them that is dark like my soul.
    I blinked and Parker was in front of me furrowing her brows.  “What is it, Rose?”  I blinked at her then looked around.  Everyone had stopped and was looking at me.  What?   “It was almost like your eyes glazed over, then you muttering something about balance, smalance, rhyming with valence,” she said.
    I shook my head. “Nothing.  The Scales are just in motion.  Moving chess pieces since they cannot directly act.”
    Mari shook her head.  “It must be disconcerting to feel all of the world's dark magics.  But to feel the forces that created us, these imaginary Scales that must be kept in balance, must be worse.  We all feel magic to an extent, but not at your level.”
    I tilted my head and she moved a finger upright, I grinned and tilted my head back to a less extreme angle then said, “The Scales are real, you have all met them.  They are aligning themselves with the movements of the Alphas at long last so you will meet them again soon.”  I hated how my voice got more serpentine when I spoke of the Scales.  I already hissed like a reptile, I didn't need more reminders of what I have become.
    Daria stood suddenly, fangs bared, looking toward the north.  I could feel a low subsonic growl building which I now associated with her.  I sighed and we all moved into position around Gretta as she worked.  We were harassed daily by law enforcement and various government agencies, all of whom seemed to have a grudge against us.  All we were doing was making the city safe, and they feared anything different than themselves.
    Parker was on her cell and I grinned when she said, “Hello, Helena...”
    A few seconds later two men in well fitted black suits came strolling out from an alley into the Gap between the buildings and the city wall.  They were flanked by five men who looked like special forces, wearing body armor and enough weapons to start a small war.  Behind them were ten men in hazmat suits.
    We have been harassed the entire time and it was getting tedious.  We routinely lost our tails just to show that we were aware of them.  They easily reacquired us either at the motel or somewhere along the wall where Gretta was working to save their sorry asses.
    I snorted, one of the men was Pike.  Helena had shared with us that he was not amused when he awoke two days after my arrival at the West Gate.
    He said as he strode toward our group,  “That venomous thing is to come with us now.  We have a warrant for her arrest.”  He held up some papers in his hand.
    The Red Hood strode out of our line

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