Romancing the Nerd
a lightsaber.
    From across the backyard, Maddie’s voice sounds all high-pitched and giddy. “Oh my God, it’s happening again. They’re doing the thing, come on!”
    I step back from Dan and watch Maddie tug Logan behind her. They’re playing as their elves, Laowyn and Graffin, tonight, and they look awesome. Maddie’s sparkly leggings and shimmering face powder have made me contemplate playing an elf or fairy on many occasions, but I always remember how great it feels to defeat a foe using straight-up strength instead of magic. Maybe I’ll channel my need for girly glitter into Bronla’s weapon, which I’ve yet to make, because not only is glitter awesome, but it can also be a weapon itself. A spec of glitter can turn into a tiny razor blade if it gets in your eye.
    Maddie and Logan make it over to us, and her face falls in disappointment. “Why don’t you guys ever listen to me? Do the thing again. And go.”
    “Cut it out, cheerleader. The game is starting.” Dan nods to the middle of the yard where Tommy, one of the gamemasters, stands beneath a large magnolia tree, holding his arms up for silence.
    As Tommy goes over the rules of the game, which I’ve heard a million times, I go over my goals for tonight in my head. I’ll need to do some major feats in order to get enough experience points so I can up my rage level. And I’d like to make friends with some of the fairies who always have the best potions. It’d also be nice to develop some sort of alliance with the vampires, because they know everyone’s secrets.
    Tommy’s last announcement breaks into my thoughts. “I’ll need volunteers for a mission tonight. Know that the mission is treacherous but the rewards are high.”
    Perfect, that’s just what I need for the XP.
    “Who will lend us their bravery?” Tommy asks, channeling Gandalf the Grey.
    I throw my fist in the air and shout, “You have my shield and ax!” But my words have an echo. I look to my left and see Dan scowling at me, his fist in the air as well.
    If I wasn’t concerned with getting a butt-ton of XP this game, I’d drop out of the mission this very instant. But I will not be cheated out of my next level-up by Dan-freaking-Garrett.
    Tommy motions for the volunteers to follow him into the kitchen, or “the war room” as he calls it.
    “Have fun, you two. Don’t kill each other,” Logan calls out as we walk behind Tommy.
    In the “war room,” it’s me, Dan, a fairy I’ve only seen a couple of times at the game, and a vampire who’s been playing for years. So, it looks like I’ll be sticking by the vampire while trying to protect the fairy who can’t possibly be advanced enough for this mission. And all the while, I’ll be trying to not punch Dan in the throat. Just another fun night of pretend life.
    While Tommy runs to his room to get reference books and stuff he’ll need to prepare for this, Dan whips out his phone. A few seconds later, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Of course Dan couldn’t wait to bitch about something to effyeahFinityGirl.
    I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, but when I’m there, I almost resist the temptation to check Dan’s message. Curiosity wins out fast, though. I’ve just got to hope he’s not about to reveal something super juicy about the vampire in our group or anything. I like to think I’m good at this game but when it comes to separating things I know out of character from things I know in character, it gets tricky.
Dantheman: Remember that girl I was talking about? The one I blew it with and now she hates me?
    Why does he want to talk about this now? Whatever, I guess I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Me: Vaguely, why?
Dantheman: She’s here and she still hates me and now we have to go on a mission together.

Chapter Seven
    Tommy comes back with all the stuff he needs to give us our mission. Jason, a.k.a. Gregor the vampire, has been playing this game since before I ever joined, so

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