Romancing the Nerd
wonders for your descriptive prose, but I’m ready to smash some skulls.”
    It takes all I have to not squeak in shock when Zelda actually seconds my statement with a fervent nod.
    Tommy sighs and flips past one, two, three of the notecards he was reading from. The dude must really be digging those writing classes.
    “Okay, here we go. Those fields you knew so well have now changed. A heavy fog cradles the area and the trees are surrounded by a very tall stone wall.” He removes the tape and sign saying Off-limits from the posts at the bottom of the stairs. “This is the only entrance. What do you do?”
    I speak up, knowing how this stuff works. “I walk the perimeter, looking for weak spots.”
    Gregor the vamp flips his long cape, which I’m pretty sure was made out of curtains, over his shoulder. “I fly up and test the space above the wall using the ‘Danger, out thee’ power.”
    “I go through the entrance,” Excited Julie says, but before I can tell her, no no no, don’t do that , Zelda puts a hand on her shoulder.
    “Let’s wait here for them. We should explore all the possibilities and be cautious. I use my abilities of tracking in combination with heightened senses to investigate the entrance.” Zelda pulls out her character sheet from the inside of her helmet and I could kick myself. It was sitting on my head at the same time as I asked her for it.
    She shows it to Tommy and his eyes widen a little. “Wow, I didn’t realize you’d pumped this up so much. How long do you want to keep these abilities active?”
    “Until I’m down to one power point.” She grins. That little minx is a smart cookie. She’ll be able to know about anything and everything around us while we go through the maze. She’ll catch the scent of an enemy, hear the twang of a trip wire or the click of a hidden door opening. To be honest, she just positioned herself as the most important asset to the group.
    Tommy nods and flips through his notes. “All right, Craytor, you find no weak spots. Gregor, you take two points damage when you test the space above the wall. Do you want to keep trying?”
    Gregor shakes his head then pulls out a small black velvet bag. He removes two deep red marbles from it and puts them in his pants pocket. Silly vamps, they always have to make a scene even over losing two tiny life points.
    “Bronla, you find an inscription next to the entrance of the labyrinth. It says, ‘Heed my warning, forbidden is the center. The mist is forming and the night is storming. It would be folly to enter.’ Who’s doing what now?”
    After much bickering, mostly from Gregor, who keeps trying to use all his super special powers for no reason, we all finally decide to just enter the maze. Tommy leads us up the stairs and we fight nasty creatures along the way. Everyone holds their own, except for poor Excited Julie. By the time we make it to the upper floor, she’s down to her last health potion.
    Every room upstairs represents some scary portion of the maze, and Craytor dominates no matter what we go up against. Then Zelda does something suspicious. She takes Tommy aside and they whisper for a bit before coming back to the rest of the group.
    There is no way I’m going to let that slide, of course. “What was that all about?”
    She adjusts her helmet for the millionth time. “None of your business, imposter.”
    And there she goes with the automatic hostility again. “Well, sorry. Why do you keep calling me an imposter?”
    She lets out a frustrated sigh and follows the others to the next room/cave of death.
    I literally throw my hands up. I’m so done with this game of hers. I don’t deserve this. My cold, black heart returns to its old self.
    Does he really need it explained to him? Do I have to be the one to tell him that he lost his nerd cred a long time ago?
    Dan comes into the room and leans against the wall, arms crossed. Whatever, I can’t be distracted right now. The big baddie

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