Rocked Parts 1-4 Box Set: A New Adult Rockstar Romance (Billionaire's Obsession Book 124)

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Book: Rocked Parts 1-4 Box Set: A New Adult Rockstar Romance (Billionaire's Obsession Book 124) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild
    I brought my lips back down to his and kissed him fiercely. I needed more. I begged for it with each whimper. I ran my hands down between us, and began to fidget with the elastic waistband of his briefs. Slowly, he pressed my mound again, and slid two fingers deep inside me.
    “Oh God,” I moaned.
    I rocked my hips against his skilled fingers. He reached deeper, and I bucked my hips as pressure built to heights I rarely felt from just touching.
    “Fuck me now, Johnny,” I whispered into his ear.
    “Soon,” he replied. “I need to taste you, Amanda.”
    He slowly slipped his fingers out, and with his strong arms, shifted me off his lap and placed me on the bed. My legs hung off the edge, spread wide and ready for whatever he wanted to do to me. He dropped to his knees between my legs, pressing them out even further as his head glided forward toward my center. I groaned and tilted my hips up when his lips touched me. He had barely begun to lick my clit with his tongue when my climax took hold. I arched against the bed and dug my fingernails into the softness of his sheets, crying out as I came. My channel clenched, and every nerve ending near my core fired off with bursts of pure pleasure. I shook under his lips, and that tongue of his lapped at my opening, bringing my desire to a new level.
    “Fuck me, please Johnny,” I begged.
    I shuddered as I returned from my peak, and looked up at his eyes, heavy-lidded with desire. He ran his fingers up my tender, moist inner thighs before his hand left me completely. He stepped away from the bed. I watched as he removed his boxers. I could not look away. He and his rock hard cock were too sexy to ignore.
    He ran his hand along the shaft, sliding on a condom. Watching him as he touched himself sent a shiver up my spine. I moved a hand to my breast and gently rolled my nipple as I looked on. I arched my back again, angling my hips toward him, desperate for him to bury his hard cock inside me. I moved my hand from my breast and slid it down past my stomach. When I reached the bare skin of my pussy, I slid a finger in the wet trail he had left behind. I touched myself as I waited and he growled, climbing back into the bed.
    Johnny lowered himself onto me, his eyes looking down between our bodies. He continued to stare as I pleasured myself. I spread my legs apart, not wanting to wait another second for him to take me. His eyes retuned to meet mine. They were wild. I knew he was ready. I reached my hands around to his ass cheeks and pulled him down onto me. With one thrust he filled me, and I screamed his name into the empty room.
    “Oh, fuck,” I cried.
    Each time he plunged into my tight pussy, it drove me closer. Every sound he made felt like it vibrated through me. I begged him to drive himself deeper inside me as my pussy tightened around his cock. I dug my nails into his back and bucked my hips wildly underneath him. His pace quickened, and when he lowered his head and slid his tongue around my nipple, I crashed over the edge and came again, shuddering against him.
    He held me close as my body shook. When my breathing returned to normal, he slowly pulled out and stood up. He grabbed my hips and pulled me gently to the edge of the bed again. He held my legs up in the air and pressed his manhood into me. I moaned aloud from how amazing it felt from this angle. I begged him to fuck me harder, and he slammed into me, just the way I liked it. My soaking wet pussy clamped so tight around his cock, I could feel every inch.
    He reached around with his free hand to massage my clit. This man’s touch was electric. I was closing in on another climax again. I rocked my hips wildly as he buried his hardness deeper inside me each time. He pumped into me, making his own groans of pleasure. I moved with him, desperately craving his intensified bursts. At last, my body hit its peak again, and this time I felt his body stiffen and jerk wildly. He let out a deep growl, and his massive

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