
Read Online Revenge by Gabrielle Lord - Free Book Online

Book: Revenge by Gabrielle Lord Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabrielle Lord
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Winter’s phone like a swarm of angry hornets.
    â€˜Will I let your little friend go for a TV screen?’ mocked Sligo. ‘Ha! That’s just the beginning. I have twenty million other demands waiting in line!’
    â€˜Twenty million?’ I scoffed.
    â€˜Twenty million dollars, plus the Phoenix Pendant.’
    â€˜The pendant? But that’s crazy! That’s the most valuable piece in the entire Ormond collection! And where are we going to get twenty million dollars from?’
    â€˜Crazy? I think not. Why should the Queen’s little trinket go to some museum, when I could own it? And I am sure, Bodhan, that the Ormonds’ finances, combined with the wealth of the Frey estate should cover my financial needs rather comfortably. I will call again with details for the transfers.’
    â€˜And then what?’
    â€˜When you’ve met my demands—not an inch or a penny less—I will release Cal on the night of the auction. So, get to work and I will supply further instructions.’
    â€˜Wait!’ Winter cried. ‘What about the antidote?’
    â€˜Yes, of course, how careless of me. I will give Cal the antidote before I let him go.’
    After Sligo hung up we were left staring at each other in silence.
    I buried my face in my hands. Cal’s condition had severely deteriorated. He didn’t sound like he had a clue about what was going on around him. How did we know he’d even make it until the night of the charity auction?
    There was no reason on earth to trust Sligo.
    My mind was reeling, processing the possibilities .Did Sligo really want to reveal himself to the world at this event? Show everyone that he was back—bigger and badder than ever?
    â€˜He’s lying,’ said Winter. ‘That’s not what he wants the screen for. He doesn’t need us to organise that for him. Why can’t he get his right-hand man to do that dirty work?’
    â€˜But what about the money?’ Ryan asked. ‘He definitely needs us for that.’
    â€˜Does he?’ Winter asked. ‘Why couldn’t he have kidnapped Cal and forced him to make the transfer of funds? He doesn’t need us— Cal could have done that for him. Why keep Cal in a prison all this time? All Sligo has ever done is lie to us, what makes either of you think this time is any different?’
    The glass coffee table cracked as Winter thumped it with her fist.
    â€˜Sligo’s up to something far more sinister!’ she said, her clenched fist trembling. ‘We have to find Cal before the night of the auction. We have to find him now. His life—and who knows what else—depends on it.’

DAY 13

    18 days to go …

    Winter, Ryan and I spent most of the night trying to figure out what Sligo was really up to and arguing about whether or not to go to the cops.
    But involving anyone else just seemed too risky …
    We were on our own.
    Afterwards, I’d drifted in and out of sleep, and in and out of nightmares. I’d been vaguely aware of Ryan creeping out of the living room to go home, but it was an incoming message on my phone that finally woke me up.
    It was from Amy.
    boges, i ran your trace evidence. you are one mysterious dude … check your email.
    I leapt over the cracked coffee table and ran to Winter’s desk. I jumped on my laptop and opened my inbox.
    Sure enough, there was Amy’s email.

    I could hardly believe my eyes when I read the fourth location. My jaw dropped, my heart knocked at my ribs.
    â€˜Winter! Get over here now and take a look at this!’
    Winter skidded up behind me, her white socks slipping on the tiles. I scooted my chair out of the way so she could read the email.
    There was long moment of shocked silence. Then came Winter’s elated voice. ‘ Coffin Bay! ’ she shrieked.
    â€˜That’s what Cal was trying to tell us,’ I said. I began looking up the location on my phone’s

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