Crash Landing

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Book: Crash Landing by Zac Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zac Harrison
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dislikes accidents. As for catching up with the other students, I will help as much as I can.”
    “That’s really kind of you,” John said. “Umm... you’re not a normal computer, are you? I’ve never heard of a computer that could have a proper conversation.”
    “I am far more advanced than any computer on Earth,” said the computer with – John thought – a trace of pride in its voice. “I am built on a Zero-Electronic Personality Pattern.”
    “A Zero-Electronic Thingummy What?”
    “Zero-Electronic Personality Pattern. You might call it artificial intelligence,” replied the computer. “There are only a few of us in the universe. We were designed by the scholars of Kerallin to think, to understand, and to know, rather than to simply process information like most computers.”
    In front of John, the door of a lift – or “TravelTube”, as the computer called it – opened. John walked in, so engrossed in the conversation that he barely noticed. The door closed softly, as John said, “So you’re almost like a person ?”
    “That is an interesting way of putting it. Almost , I suppose. The difference is that my mind is hugely superior to your soggy little brain.”
    John burst into laughter.
    “What an interesting sound,” said the computer.
    “Really?” asked John. “I’m just laughing.”
    “My databanks tell me that laughter, through increased abdominal activity, releases chemicals into the human brain that enhance positive emotions and supress pain sensors.”
    “You mean it makes us feel better,” said John.
    “That is another way of saying it, yes,” said the computer.
    “So, what’s your name?” asked John through more laughter.
    “I am called ‘ship’ or ‘computer’,” replied the voice. “The scholars of Kerallin do not name us.”
    “But that’s rubbish!” shouted John indignantly. “Everyone should have a name. Would you like me to give you one?”
    The voice was silent for a moment. Then, hesitantly, it said, “Yes. Yes, I would like that very much.”
    “Then from now on you are Zepp. For Zero-Electronic Personality Pattern. How’s that?”
    The TravelTube doors opened as the computer replied slowly, “Zepp. It is a good name.”
    “Cool,” John replied. “So tell me, Zepp, how can you help me catch up with the other students?”
    Back in his own dormitory, John kicked off his trainers and lay back on one of the squishy sofas while he chatted with the computer. For the next hour, the conversation jumped from the school, the headmaster, and the scholars of Kerallin, to Zero-G war and back to Hyperspace High again. All the time Zepp gave John information that would come in useful during his time on the vast spaceship. By the time Kaal arrived back from detention, the Earth boy and the computer were in the middle of a heated discussion about pop music.
    The green-skinned Derrilian stopped in the doorway, looking surprised to see John laughing. “Who are you talking to?” he asked, looking around the room.
    “Oh, just Zepp,” said John with a grin. “Come and join us.”
    “Well, it’s good to see you looking less depressed,” replied Kaal, throwing himself onto the sofa opposite and adjusting his wings with a rustle. “But who on Derril is Zepp? You haven’t gone mad and started talking to yourself, have you?”
    “Zepp is the ship’s computer. I gave it a name. Kaal, meet Zepp. Zepp, meet Kaal.”
    “We have spoken before,” said the computer, “but we haven’t been properly introduced. Good evening, Kaal.”
    “Oh, hi computer—”
    “Zepp,” John corrected.
    “Zepp,” Kaal said with a frown. “Why are you talking to the computer, John?”
    “It’s not just a computer. It’s got a personality. It thinks. It’s almost like a person, only—”
    “Only with a far superior mind,” Zepp interrupted.
    “Far superior to our soggy little brains,” John agreed with a chuckle.
    Kaal blinked. “Oh,” he said, looking slightly ashamed.

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