Crash Landing

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Book: Crash Landing by Zac Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zac Harrison
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“I didn’t know that. And all this time I’ve been giving it orders like it’s just a piece of machinery. I’m sorry about that compu— Zepp.”
    “It’s what I’m here for,” Zepp replied. “Though I must say, it is pleasant to have a conversation that isn’t just, ‘Computer: get me a drink’ or ‘Computer: set course for Arcachon Five.’”
    “We were just talking about music,” said John. “Zepp is a big fan of Coldplay, Jay Z, Adele, and The Beatles—”
    “What are they?” Kaal asked, looking confused.
    “You have much to learn, young Derrilian,” said the computer’s voice. “But now, it is almost time for lights out. Perhaps you would like some music while you get ready for bed?”
    Hey Jude by The Beatles began playing.
    “So this is Earth music, is it?” asked Kaal, as he stood and held out a hand to help John up from his sofa. “Not bad. And I thought Earthlings were completely useless.”
    “Next Plutonian martial arts class,” John replied with a grin, “I am so going to make you pay. You’ll see.”
    The two of them washed and changed, laughing, as John tried to teach Kaal to sing along while Zepp interrupted. Finally, they climbed into their beds as the music faded out and the lights dimmed.
    A few minutes later John sat up and pressed the panel to close the screen to his bed pod. Kaal hadn’t been joking: the big Derrilian snored as loud as a cement mixer.

Chapter 8
    “It is now zero six thirty hours, John Riley. Time to get up.”
    John lifted his head off the pillow and forced one eye open. The other eye followed quickly. John blinked in surprise as he looked around his bed pod. “Oh, right,” he muttered after a few seconds.”Spaceship. Hyperspace High.” His head dropped back and he pulled the covers around him. “’Nother ten minutes, Zepp. Snooze now.”
    “I have prepared a bath,” Zepp’s voice insisted. Cheerful pop music began to play. “You do not want to be late for Sergeant Jegger.”
    John sat bolt upright as he remembered his early flying lesson. “OK, OK, I’m up. What? Where?”
    “I thought you might like to start the day with a bath,” repeated the computer.
    Zepp had thought right, John decided, as he plunged into the hot water. Immediately, underwater jets began frothing the surface. “This is amazing,” said John, as he kicked off to the other side of the massive bath. “I could stay in here all day.”
    “You have twenty minutes until breakfast,” Zepp replied.
    “Oh yes, food. I meant to talk to you about the food.”
    “I have already corrected your menu,” replied Zepp. “And check the locker by your bed pod when you’re finished in here.”
    Wrapped in a warm towel, and brushing his teeth, John put his hand to the panel that opened the locker. The door slid back. John’s toothbrush almost dropped from his mouth.
    Yesterday, he’d thrown his rucksack into one empty corner of the locker. This morning the locker was full. Shelves to one side held neatly folded underwear, socks, and T-shirts. A collection of clothes and sports gear was arranged on hangers, all in silvery-grey and red colours that John had seen other students wearing. The school colours, he guessed. At the bottom was a rack of brand new silver trainers and, next to them, a gleaming ThinScreen, alongside a more familiar-looking bundle of technology. John could hardly believe his eyes.
    “Where on Earth did you get a games console and a copy of Doom Hammer?” he gasped.
    “I made them,” said Zepp, sounding a little smug. “Earth electronics are not difficult to copy. I had to make a few adjustments, but the console is now compatable with the ship’s screens.”
    “I-I don’t know what to say,” John stuttered. “That’s really... I mean... Wow !”
    “Just something to remind you of home, and we cannot allow your father to beat you when you return.”
    “You are awesome . Thanks, Zepp.”
    * * *
    “Double awesome,” John sighed, as the table

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