Revenge of the ULTRAs (The Last Hero Book 4)

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Book: Revenge of the ULTRAs (The Last Hero Book 4) by Matt Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Blake
all those humans that had been attacking me, Damon and Avi.
    I couldn’t just give up. I couldn’t just—
    More electromagnetic bullets hit me.
    I started to fall down to my knees but managed to rebalance myself. I took some more steadying breaths, then lifted my head and focused on Adam, trying to drag myself towards him to take him down, no matter how ugly it’d be.
    I was Kyle Peters.
    I was Glacies.
    I could defeat him.
    I could—
    More electromagnetic bullets hit me, and this time, I really did collapse.
    I rolled onto my back, the shouts and cries of my fellow ULTRAs filling the room as Adam took more of their abilities away and redistributed them.
    And then I heard the screams stop, and I saw Adam standing right above me.
    He peered down at me with that face that would annoyingly be the gossip of every girl, and he smiled. “How does it feel?”
    I was too weak to respond.
    He reached down and moved his hand towards my chest. I could feel an energy radiating from it. Like a magnet pulling something out from the center of my body, towards him.
    “This is what happens when our politicians and our ‘heroes’ elect themselves,” Adam said. “I’m sorry I have to do this. But I’ll make sure I make good use of your powers.”
    I tried to hold my powers back.
    I tried to keep everything from bubbling over the surface.
    Then I felt tightness right in the middle of my chest, and as I knew my powers were being snatched away from my body, I screamed.

    I screamed out as my powers were wrenched from my body.
    I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn’t see a thing other than flashing lights behind my eyelids. I could taste the metallic tang of blood. All around me, I heard my scream echoing and the shouts of others as they were rounded up by Adam’s newly-powered cronies. My nose was blocked, presumably with blood, so I couldn’t breathe very well. My entire body writhed in pain as I felt the power emerging from every inch of it, burning in its intensity.
    In a horrifying flash of realization, I saw exactly what was going to happen here. Adam was going to take my powers away.
    I couldn’t let him do that.
    I bit down hard on my bottom lip and tried to clutch back at the powers rising from my body. It took everything—concentration, resistance, agony. And the more I pushed to try and stop my powers being taken away, the more slippery they became.
    This was it.
    I was becoming Kyle Peters again.
    I was going to be a normal kid again.
    For a split second, I reveled in that fantasy. After all, a normal life was what I really wanted, wasn’t it? Ever since I’d been “gifted” my abilities, I’d moaned on and on about how much I wanted to just live my life as a teenager again, like everyone else.
    It should’ve been a happy moment. But I knew there was nothing positive to come from this.
    I needed my powers. The world needed me.
    Whether they realized it or not, I was here for their benefit.
    I forced my eyes open, as painful as it was.
    I saw a fiery, simmering glow rising above me. It was still clinging to my body, like glue, falling away in places. I knew that it was my abilities.
    Adam had his hands above me. He was lifting those powers closer. I saw right then the look in his eyes that told me everything I needed to know. He might’ve been masquerading as a man of the people—a messiah—but he was just another power-hungry asshole like the rest of them.
    He was looking at my abilities, and he was pretty much salivating.
    I had no doubt he planned to keep my abilities to himself.
    I looked back. The Resistance were all surrounded now. Roadrunner was still on her knees looking totally broken. Acid, whose powers you can probably figure out in no time, was flat out on his back. So many other members of the Resistance were down, and looking weak.
    I tried to fight back against Adam, but the grip he had on my powers was intense and tight. The more I pushed, the stronger Adam seemed to get.
    But Roadrunner.

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