Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife)

Read Online Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife) by Joyce Robles - Free Book Online

Book: Revenant's Kiss (Chronicles of the Afterlife) by Joyce Robles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Robles
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His movements were taken one
slow jerk of a joint at a time. "Stop!" she shouted, something had changed since last night, then he’d
been all speed and grace, now it was like watching a puppet move on strings. Everything in her was
screaming at her to take action, not to let that thing get anywhere near her but fear kept her in its grip
and she couldn’t seem to move. She didn’t think she could ever remember being this afraid in her
entire life, and stupidly it was probably going to be the stupid emotion paralyzing her that killed her.
                 ‘Shoot now!’
                 If it weren’t for the sandy almost golden shade of hair she wouldn’t recognize this monster for
the same one she’d seen last night. Even as the jerking movements became more relaxed, more fluid
and his approach was faster and more recognizable the fear held her still.
                 ‘Shoot now or die those are your choices.’
                 The voice told her as if she didn’t already know what would become of her if she did nothing.
But still she stood frozen, not even the frantic voice coming from the radio enough to pull her past the

    Chapter 4
                 She didn’t hear a word of what Malcolm was trying to say, she couldn’t pull the trigger, she
was the epitome of worthless. Everything about the way this vampire now moved screamed at her to
turn and run from him. Before anything else was said the sudden explosion of a gun shot went off
behind her, she didn’t have to look back to know that it was Manson. She watched the monsters
shoulder explode in a red mass, the caliber of Manson’s weapon forcing the figure back but not taking
it off it’s feet. But even with the severity of the wound it didn’t cry out, not in pain, not in anger, he just
looked at his arm as it hung limp and useless at his side. His shoulder a mass of pulp that would have
made any normal person or even vampire cry out, do something. But as quickly as the injury had
occurred it was forgotten and its attention was back on her and Manson. She cringed as its eyes
glinted like an animals in the dark catching what little light there was and casting it back at them. The
vampire moved to charge again but this time without a seconds hesitation she pulled the trigger. The
shot caught their killer in the gut and sent him stumbling back unto the ground. This time something very
close to the cry of a wounded animal rang back to her and Manson. In the time it took her to pump the
Remington and reload the figure on the ground had disappeared. "Shit," she glanced back at Manson,
"he’s gone he’s not up here."
                 "We’re clear behind," was all the response that Manson gave.
                 She nodded and snatched the radio from the side of her belt, "God damn it Malcolm what the
hell is this. What the hell were you thinking?"
                 " Didn’t you hear anything I just said? "
                 His voice came back panicked over the radio again, what was going on she didn’t know, what
she did know was that they could have had that monster and now he was gone. "No I didn’t hear a
God damn thing you said we were a little busy back here."
                 "Marcia spotted another one while we were doing a pass, there’s another one that
went down a sewer drain, covered in blood."
                 The panic in his voice was a solid reminder for Jennifer just how little of the horror Malcolm
was actually exposed to. "Did it," Jennifer paused searching for the right word to describe
it, but this vampire was not right and she needed to know why.
                 "Never mind," Jennifer amended, "don’t stop keep moving, I don’t want you to get pinned
                 " There were gun

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